Dollars BBS | Art
















Your thoughts (14)

1 Name: Cyra : 2019-10-29 11:24 ID:VmJ/PVhy (Image: 2359x1569 jpg, 920 kb) [Del]

src/1572366246079.jpg: 2359x1569, 920 kb
all credits go to the real artist whose drawing is much...MUCH better than this. But hope this isn't too bad either I just copied it from a night ore thumbnail

2 Name: Bhtsakhtlaunda : 2019-10-30 22:45 ID:ikEYVYGj [Del]

That is pretty 😍
And now i remember where this guy is from.... Mekakucity actors right?
BTW nice drawing skillz ya got thereπŸ‘

3 Name: Cyra : 2019-10-31 02:06 ID:VmJ/PVhy [Del]


4 Name: Bhtsakhtlaunda : 2019-10-31 03:47 ID:ikEYVYGj [Del]

Introduction walay pr b parh lo msg

5 Name: Cyra : 2019-11-05 03:03 ID:hT2dLHmg (Image: 1514x1812 jpg, 653 kb) [Del]

src/1572944629621.jpg: 1514x1812, 653 kb
Ye dekho kon hai.....πŸ™ƒ

6 Name: Bhtsakhtlaunda : 2019-11-05 08:51 ID:SkrTOxZW [Del]

I neeed thisss drawingggg itsh shoo beautiful i love itt ❀️❀️❀️
And have you watched FT? >>5

7 Name: Bhtsakhtlaunda : 2019-11-08 07:58 ID:rt710Ieu [Del]


8 Name: Kaisuke !ymU.etZkik : 2019-11-09 00:23 ID:wnp0LLA4 [Del]

>>5 It's really good,

one small criticism is that the right arm which is the waving arm the upper arm looks too long where you put/added the elbow.

Keep up the good work dude :D

9 Name: Cyra : 2019-11-14 06:07 ID:dXAFUS4d [Del]

I'm still not good at drawing but thanx for the tip ....... Do u draw....

10 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-11-15 12:39 ID:2oAithg8 [Del]

If you wanna take drawing seriously, my recommendation is to learn from real life. My biggest mistake as a beginner was learning directly from anime, which really messed up my sense of proportions. Learn from real life and then stylize it to your liking, that way you still have the proper foundations, but you can also have fun with style!
I think from what you've already posted, you do have potential to be amazing at drawing!

11 Name: Cyra : 2019-11-17 05:24 ID:dXAFUS4d [Del]

Really thanks I do have a problem with proportions so I'll try your idea......... Btw I'd love to see some of your drawings πŸ™‚

12 Name: CloΓ© : 2019-12-11 13:27 ID:euSZ/Mz7 [Del]


13 Name: Arina : 2020-01-03 04:34 ID:zV4fsMoR [Del]

Excited to the new season this year!!

14 Name: Ciel : 2020-01-05 02:57 ID:s5PbYqBv [Del]

It's Kuroha!! I'm a HUGE Kagepro fan, it's nice to see some others here, as well!