Dollars BBS | Art
















Clay, resin and crafts (5)

1 Name: Biribiri : 2019-05-14 18:25 ID:byCmqv47 (Image: 1080x1080 jpg, 47 kb) [Del]

src/1557876333341.jpg: 1080x1080, 47 kb
I've noticed there's a loot of drawings here (all hella good tho), however I feel that other forms of art are not quite represented that well. Does anyone like to do handmade, crafty art stuff?
I presonally love making things out of both clay and resin!
It's mostly jewelry but I have made a couple of small sculptures. Anyone into it? ^^

2 Name: Kotoba : 2019-05-18 10:11 ID:Y6WKEHU6 [Del]

Hey Biribiri (this name sound cute *^*), your pendant is so cute, first i thought that it was an egg xD but no, it's a flower, a beautiful flower, hihi.
Have you some other thing to show us ? or a website for share ?

I don't make somethings like that but i love it ~
have a nice work o/ Kissou
(sorry for my engliish i'm french >>)

3 Name: EpicKeith !K31THxH0Es : 2019-05-21 22:56 ID:vi9V8a5+ [Del]

I've been interested in starting resin crafts lately! Would you mind recommending what to buy and give advice on how to make stuff using resin?
I used to sculpt for a year or two, but haven't bought anymore clay since then. I was not that great, but it was lots of fun and I'd love to do more art like that, hence my interest in resin.

4 Name: Biribiri : 2019-06-02 17:03 ID:KJM1hCsh [Del]

thank you!
I'm using epoxy resin, which is different than UV resin most resin jewelry makers use. But epoxy is cheaper bc you can get it in greater quantities than UV resin and for UV you need a source of UV light for resin to harden, therefore it's expected to purchase an UV lamp with the resin as well. With epoxy you just mix the two solutions and wait for a couple of hours. Depending on the size of the thing you're making, the temperature of the room (hardens faster in warmer places) and the brand of the epoxy, hardening can happen from like 4 to 8 or more hours. You gotta be patient with epoxy, that's the downside. Of course you have to spend money on silicone molds regardless of which type of resin you use. And these molds usually arent forever. They fall apart after maybe 6 months of use. (Make sure to get cheap ones bc it's not worth spending a your money on something that's not gonna last forever)
I started with clay as well. And slowly switched to resin. You can't be as free with resin as you are with clay, that's what bugs me but if you get some good decent molds, resin can look 200 times better than clay.
I have an instagram website @fimica.creations if you would like to see the stuff I did with both clay and resin. Message me you're from the dollars and I'm gonna follow you :)

5 Name: Malone : 2019-07-01 01:08 ID:i7+/Zg+N [Del]

Cute! It's refreshing to see something other than drawings on here (love them, but there's SO many).