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Timelapse Thread (1)

1 Name: Lidov-Kozai : 2016-12-23 12:03 ID:+iOSEZnO (Image: 640x359 jpg, 87 kb) [Del]

src/1482516192860.jpg: 640x359, 87 kb
Hello my pretties. Do you have a phone? iPhone perhaps? Pretty much any phone has timelapse capability built into the camera. I've tried android and iPhone, and iPhones seems to be a bit better suited for creativity out of the box than the former (though note that does not necessarily mean precision... Android takes a steady framerate but there is no way to adjust what it is, so I've found, but that makes it less organic and just kinda boring tbh). Just go to your camera and look for the built in option (as supposed to photo, video).

Anyway, you can make shit! Like, already! Watch, it's easy.

Just be sure to break it every now and then if you're on an iPhone, as it'll lessen the framerate the longer it captures, basically meaning that the longer you shoot for the faster it'll look like things are moving, which can be overwhelming after a certain point, so be sure to stop and start it every so often, to get that fluid timey-wimey goodness.

Also, steadiness is key. What I use in my car is those airline blindfolds, wrapped around my sunshades so I can slip my phone in there and just point it around. Basically, too much movement that isn't uniform = really shaky incomprehensible video. That being said, doing things like very slowly turning your camera upside down while recording and shit can be really awesome too, but you have to be really steady or it'll be shaky and incomprehensible beyond the general "oh hey look at that".

Oh, and a word on editing. Go-Pro makes a hell of an editor for iOS. It's called Splice, it's free, and very no-nonsense. You can even add music and sync things right there in the app. On your fucking phone. No, seriously.

Oh, and the image depicts a very different type of timelapse photography, in which you take essentially a very long exposure image so that many moments blend into one. That one I can't really help you with, but there are apps for that too (not free). I might get into that soon too, but if anyone does that do share too. We're not video nazi's, or nazi's of any sort here.


Anyway, I'm going to dump my timelapse shit here in case anyone cares, and anyone who wants to learn how can be my minion if they so choose.

Now, spring forth, my minions! Create!