Dollars BBS | Art
















Mikado (23)

1 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-11 20:07 ID:7+hDjQ+2 (Image: 862x1532 jpg, 770 kb) [Del]

src/1447294027645.jpg: 862x1532, 770 kb
Just a life size Mikado in charcoal

2 Name: Krys : 2015-11-11 20:12 ID:iGfuo/S0 [Del]

This is great!But the costume kinda looks leathery and tight.
I've always wanted to try charcoal.

3 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-11 20:16 ID:sBphFYlA [Del]

Danke! Und ja I know. ;-; But charcoal is hard to erase. I kind of gave up. But I think you should try it, it definently makes shading easier.

4 Name: Krys : 2015-11-11 20:22 ID:iGfuo/S0 [Del]

It does seem easier to shade from the videos I've watched of people using it, and graphite too. But i've been wanting to try faber castell graphite pencils. Have you tried those? My current pencils leave tiny hole everywhere when I shade an area!

5 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-11 20:31 ID:sBphFYlA [Del]

I have nicht tried those, but I've heard awesome things about them! Und gaaah, I hate it when that happens. Especially when I'm doing something für an art class. ╥﹏╥ The best Ihr can do ist just hope to get die pencils some day. Das war ich always habst to do.

6 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-11 20:33 ID:sBphFYlA [Del]

But I'm weird und rambling. Sorry. Ignore meeeeeeeeee *waddles away awkeridly*

7 Name: Eskere : 2015-11-11 20:40 ID:V9Qh0pLF [Del]

I did a life sized drawing once. It was a full body scale though of Riku from kingdom hearts 2. I had to tape pieces of paper together xD that's really cool though and that it is a hard position to draw. You did good. Ive tried to master from ankle view like opposite of this. It is very hard as well!

8 Name: Strawbarry : 2015-11-12 11:04 ID:tKpe16MI [Del]

Omg! This is nice!! Can you draw Shizuo like this?? Like with his arms stretched out so i can imagine hes going to catch me ~ LOL!

9 Name: Komoe : 2015-11-12 11:14 ID:VzIdSh6K [Del]


10 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-12 12:15 ID:C/DzaAIY [Del]

Eskere; I know! But you'll get it! X3
Und Strawbarry, I can try! If ich remembers.

11 Name: Guardian : 2015-11-12 13:45 ID:TcUV8Qip [Del]

this is awesome

12 Name: cambrasine : 2015-11-12 14:06 ID:+BGGMkHN [Del]

Looks awesome!! Charcoal is such a tricky medium too @ n@;;

13 Name: Kreyton !0UZD1OR/j. : 2015-11-12 15:12 ID:T68dXxFt [Del]

That's Great!!!

14 Name: 本文 : 2015-11-12 21:07 ID:wLh67PEl [Del]

This is awesome

15 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-13 11:35 ID:C/DzaAIY [Del]


16 Name: Jilva : 2015-11-14 01:17 ID:BP/zOpsi [Del]


17 Name: Frey : 2015-11-14 12:20 ID:5AmBR9rS [Del]

Nice job Grayson.

18 Name: K3RMoon : 2015-11-15 11:35 ID:73vvAyvt [Del]

That looks very awesomeee

19 Name: Grayson : 2015-11-15 13:07 ID:7+hDjQ+2 [Del]

Thanks! X3

20 Name: Aru : 2015-11-15 14:47 ID:bF8mkj1w [Del]

Amazing omg OwO

21 Name: shizaya : 2015-11-15 19:30 ID:HGmTxsn/ [Del]


22 Name: Dark*Wolf!LpJR0bXBSc : 2015-11-16 04:42 ID:gb1sd1iA [Del]

This is fantastic .. Good work !!

23 Name: Algernon D.F. !jVyhJ08Yxg : 2015-11-16 04:46 ID:DesFLK3Y [Del]

Is there any soul contract I can make to draw like you? I want this as a poster on my room.