Dollars BBS | Art
















wow (7)

1 Name: Lemon : 2015-11-04 00:31 ID:rAOg+ONS [Del]

im kind of an aspiring artist but when i saw the stuff that other people had put up on here i realized that my stuff cant really meaasure up at all, i had one picture that was perefct but i lost it, saddest moemnt of my life. i mainly sketch with pens and the add in color with more pens though i also do a lot of writing and i am right now writing my very firsy story if anyone asks for them ill put up my art, but right now im just waiting it out

2 Name: Hisa : 2015-11-04 04:00 ID:bSmeV5Je [Del]

If you wanna post it, POST IT. The Dollars are kind people, they wouldn't hate on it. Unless some did, they wouldn't know who you really are anyway.

3 Name: Krys : 2015-11-04 05:35 ID:iGfuo/S0 [Del]

Wow! I'm actually like you, i thought my drawing skills weren't good enough so I pursued literature instead! I have a thread of my own art here though!

You should post your art. It's not about competition. People here can give you advice.

4 Name: Albion : 2015-11-04 12:17 ID:DHQ3ycra [Del]

Don't worry it's fine!!! I mean I'm like a terrible drawer and I hesitated to post it online at first but then I saw that the other people way better then me complimented me and I decided post it! It's a good way to get feedback!

5 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-11-04 14:04 ID:JVu2ICys [Del]

>>1 what >>2 said

We all have to start somewhere matey, and if you keep practising drawing you will get better and better and you will be able to do the same kind of stuff or better in time, yes some people are naturally good/gifted at art or sports or music but that's just life. XD

Also there is all ways someone better then the next person even if their stuff is really good :P

even my stuff is rubbish compared to what some/a lot of people post here X_X

6 Name: Bastion : 2015-11-05 02:19 ID:OiBvOMQm [Del]

alright maybe i will post some of my stuff on here l8r and ill be sure to also post a copy of my book once its done (btw for those of you thatre confused, i changed my name to bastion because first of all, neverending story is amazing, and second of all, because lemon.dollars was already taken.)

7 Name: Duch : 2015-11-06 02:17 ID:1Z+pIzyk (Image: 992x1417 jpg, 626 kb) [Del]

src/1446797859696.jpg: 992x1417, 626 kb