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When you're going through art block, what do you do? (8)

1 Name: Oranges : 2015-02-12 15:29 ID:JUmvyHvj (Image: 894x894 jpg, 114 kb) [Del]

src/1423776551297.jpg: 894x894, 114 kb
Well, we've all been there before, right?
What do you draw when you're going through art block?
As for me, I usually end up drawing fanart like this Ene I just finished earlier.
What about you? :,))

2 Name: Angel : 2015-02-12 15:51 ID:XN/sk4bU (Image: 960x720 jpg, 300 kb) [Del]

src/1423777912331.jpg: 960x720, 300 kb
stuff like this

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: Tara : 2015-02-12 16:00 ID:JUmvyHvj [Del]

i usually look around my house for inspiration
...or i look at other art and compare it to my own and then i see howmuchireallysuck
but yeah art block is a terrifying thing

5 Name: Oranges : 2015-02-12 16:02 ID:JUmvyHvj [Del]

@Angel woah you did that during your art block?
Thats just too good ; ;

6 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2015-02-13 15:33 ID:CFwHdUad [Del]

1) Work on other talents.
2) Check out other people work. Especially the ones who's style you want to mimic. (I draw cartoons so this works well for me.)
3) Watch some good shows or movies. (I'm talking like Breaking Bad, Fargo, Bojack Horsemen, or anything that is really well written in my case.)
3) Go Out. Take a walk, Go to the city, see a concert, or do one. Just go outside. The experience life offers is the best inspiration for any artist.
That works for me, and snaps me right back to it.

7 Name: Lily : 2015-02-13 21:20 ID:L3dLoQDP [Del]

Well I tend to look at random objects and try to relate drawings to random dreams or thoughts. I also listen to music that fits with the mood for the type of style I want to draw in.

Also, if it's early morning I wait until the sky is just starting to turn blue then I look up at the sky and just let my mind wander. This also helps with stress or just having to think about anything really.
I also sketch randomly and sometimes they end up turning into drawings.

8 Name: Shin Suki : 2015-02-15 10:14 ID:zO9pD03Q [Del]

(Aaaah...late response.)
When I have art block I just play any pokemon game and pretend I have a mission to do there. I don't know, inspiration comes from that. ^^;