Dollars BBS | Art
















I need help! (10)

1 Name: Honoko : 2015-01-12 05:06 ID:laqRwdtg [Del]

I've been using my Wacom Bamboo Pad for two years now, but I haven't been getting better even though I practice a lot. Can someone help me and give me some tips please?

2 Name: 鹿 : 2015-01-12 05:13 ID:xEFc8O/V [Del]

What exactly are you having trouble with? Art or using your tablet?

3 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2015-01-12 09:44 ID:CFwHdUad [Del]

There are some good tutorials on digital painting techniques if that's what your looking for. But between you and me I don't think owning a tablet makes anyone better. You use your skills you've gained with traditional mediums, to compliment your skills with digital mediums. Practice is important yes, but it's also super important to take time to study the craft. Have fun, and good luck.

4 Name: Honoko : 2015-01-12 17:13 ID:zbnr0aOh [Del]

Thank you!
>>2 Oh, well, I can't draw very well at all on my tablet. I draw fine in real life, but when it comes to the tablet, it feels like I have no control and the drawing becomes all lopsided.

5 Name: Kizza !wWsxM7/ii6 : 2015-01-12 19:36 ID:HpyQpbrN [Del]

In that case, try what I do! Scan your physical drawings or take a picture of them

6 Name: 鹿 : 2015-01-12 22:00 ID:xEFc8O/V [Del]

>>4 A tablet can be very difficult to get used to with the disconnect between your hand and the image. When you're used to traditional art they can be very disconcerting.
You can try to go back to the basics and train yourself to use the tablet. It may sound silly or childish but tracing an image like this ( with a contrasting colour will help to train your hand and your eye to produce the lines you want.

If you want to post some of your art or your linework I'm happy to give you some pointers.

I hope this all helps. (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

7 Name: Honoko : 2015-01-12 23:01 ID:zbnr0aOh [Del]

Thank you! Do you have an email? I'm too embarrassed to post them here. >>6

8 Name: Honoko : 2015-01-13 17:03 ID:zbnr0aOh (Image: 376x499 jpg, 123 kb) [Del]

src/1421190207924.jpg: 376x499, 123 kb
What can I improve?

9 Name: 鹿 : 2015-01-14 04:56 ID:xEFc8O/V [Del]

>>7 Hey, If you want to email me other art pieces you can reach me at shikabisu@gmail some traditional stuff would useful so I can see how you approach the mediums differently.

From what I can see you have done a lot of work to get to where you are and you should be proud of yourself!

Like I said in my last message you can learn a lot by returning to the fundamentals of art and brushing up. As the cliche goes, you can't break the rules until you learn them. Knowing how your tools work and how to apply them is a massive help and provides the foundations of good art. Also no matter what anyone says, reference images are your best friend especially when you are starting. Its okay to copy other things so you can understand how they look and work.

With your painting you seem to rely heavily on the smudge tool. This can lead to muddy joins and no real definition in your final image.

Youtube is an incredible resource for any artist and I recommend you search something like'digital painting basics' so you can relearn how to deal with the many tools in a digital painting arsenal.

I'm always happy to talk about this subject and critique work but I don't want to come off as too mean (((╹д╹;))) I'm sorry if this was too much.

If you have any questions please reply or email ( ˘ ³˘)❤

10 Name: Honoko Orihara : 2015-01-14 18:59 ID:zbnr0aOh [Del]

Awesome! Thanks, senpai! I will email you!