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Advice for someone that can't draw? (7)

1 Name: Bread_Pudding !!gJT0mdts : 2013-09-15 17:21 ID:h6We1Q82 [Del]

So I have no artistic talent whatsoever. BUT I REALLY WANT TO LEARN TO DRAW! Particularly human figures.
Where should I start, what should I look into?

2 Name: SaintSoul !M7SjwhWBv2 : 2013-09-15 19:15 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

Allow me to bore you.

Anatomy, color theory, etc. Look up the basics of art. There is no way to learn how to draw, only to improve your skills. Also, for the sake of your sanity and our eyes, do not use learn to draw books! All they do is teach you to eyeball stuff that isn't even correct. Do you want to draw a specific style? You can, but you should also learn realism. Just knowing manga style will not help you. For anatomy, I would suggest finding a copy of Andrew Loomis' art books. I have files if you would like me to link them to you. One last thing, you're going to want to burn yourself. It's normal.

3 Name: Nyah ( Cacie ) : 2013-09-15 19:17 ID:eD7kKpuK [Del]

If you're not too good at drawing, i suggest starting out trying to draw characters from the childrens anime 'lucky star'. here's something very simple -
As you feel more confident drawing easy characyers like that, maybe move onto characters from durarara, or Naruto even :) Hope this helped.

4 Name: Bread_Pudding !!gJT0mdts : 2013-09-15 22:23 ID:7kofUt0t [Del]

@Saint, thank you. I would actually like to learn to draw anatomy and more realistic figures in the long-run. And I'd love any links or help I can get. Again, thank you.

@Nyah, My message to Saint aside, I wouldn't mind learning anime-style, too. So I'll check the video when I'm not at work. Thank you :)

5 Name: SaintSoul !M7SjwhWBv2 : 2013-09-16 05:24 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]
Here it is! Good luck on improving~

6 Name: Bread_Pudding !!gJT0mdts : 2013-09-17 11:05 ID:h6We1Q82 [Del]

@Saint Thank you!

7 Name: Sorata !gJcOWaL88A : 2013-09-17 11:50 ID:gNt73XLd [Del]

>>5 I just came across this thread while mindlessly exploring this site. Thank you very much for the links. I'm having trouble with drawing as well and the ebooks look helpful.

Just a question out of curiosity: What is this Tried going to the main site and I... er, see nothing.