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Drawing from Memory (7)

1 Name: Kitty6773 : 2013-09-14 00:26 ID:h8RkpFzZ [Del]

Hello! I have a question if you do not mind answering.

I was looking through all this amazing art and it is so original. It truly expresses the style of the artist.

My question is how do you draw from memory, without reference?
For example, I want to draw someone sitting on the ground, I know what it looks like in my mind, but I have trouble expressing it on paper.

How do you usually draw? Do you use a reference? If you do, to what extent do you use it? If you do not use a reference, how much practice did it require you to draw without one?

Please answer this if you have time.
Thank you for the tips!

2 Name: Kaisuke : 2013-09-14 03:47 ID:lW8S6LtH [Del]

I usely use my imagination on how to draw someone, but using a reference ether a manga drawing or photo of someone is a better way of doing it :P, for me I can coppy a drawing fiarly well if I have it right in front of me but it will take a few times to get the coppy right.

Only thing I can suggest is keep practicing and you will get better ^_^ too many amazing people here make my stuff look rubbish XD

3 Name: CoffeeCream : 2013-09-14 06:41 ID:p52znwHj [Del]

Try to "copy" poses from photos of real people, try to learn how to draw every part of the body naturally, learn a bit about anatomy by simply looking at people. You don't even imagine how useful it is! ^^ With a bit of practice you'll be soon able to draw people without looking at any reference and you'll get more ideas about human poses. My advice, in simple words, is to watch people. WATCH THEM HARD. (because when you look at anime pictures you're not totally sure if the anatomy is correct or not...)

4 Name: Litairtak Speruff!NRf7wfm3Qk : 2013-09-16 05:55 ID:daU+vGHP [Del]

>>3 Seconding CoffeeCream's advice. If you observe people or things long enough, you will be able to recreate an image of them in your mind after a while. As for poses, I pin them down by drawing stick figures with circles for joints when I'm watching people. This way, you will get a better understanding of how the human body moves and how your point of view/ angle affects what you see. If you're missing some poses, you can also use your own body for reference.

5 Name: Yamie !I35nGTC/bg : 2013-09-16 15:38 ID:DqEX3MkG [Del]

I usually learn from other people's artwork who I admire or I pose in front of a mirror.

6 Name: Kitty6773 : 2013-09-18 14:39 ID:h8RkpFzZ [Del]

Thank you for all your input!

7 Name: Fayge : 2013-09-19 05:26 ID:d35QxKMf [Del]

ahhhhh drawing from memory. i just close my eyes and let my pencil move. as dumb as it sounds it helps me get a feel for what im doing, and it lets me concentrate on the image in my head. just relax, close your eyes, your pencil doesnt need to be on paper but just move it while you think.

sounds silly but it works for me.