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let's brainstorm. (7)

1 Name: Ace, the blind idealist : 2013-08-18 00:20 ID:aoxKuS1y [Del]

so my fellow dollars
I have decided to take it upon myself to make some kind of comic series to get people to start caring about what software they use.
I know this sounds really dumb, but I hate watching big closed-source companies dominate the public simply because of the fact that they won't let them know what else is out there.
the open-source community needs to get more attention, and people need to start trusting actual people to make progress, not big companies who want to make money, not get anywhere new with technology.
so let's cut to the chase.
this is something that bothers me to no end, but I don't have many ideas on how to go about this.
so what kind of setting should it be in?
what should the main "bad guy" be
what should the conflict be.

anyone out there?

2 Name: zitaosers : 2013-08-18 11:42 ID:dRVQtScU [Del]

that's a pretty sweet idea tbh
it sounds like something that might work out in a sort of futuristic setting, but that's just me haha

3 Name: zitaosers : 2013-08-18 11:42 ID:dRVQtScU [Del]

that's a pretty sweet idea tbh
it sounds like something that might work out in a sort of futuristic setting, but that's just me haha

4 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 11:50 ID:DOdV8vOV [Del]

I was considering a modern setting so it could be believable and people could relate to it...
but what kind of future? ouo
drawing futuristic places is always awesome.
and coming up with the backstory could be cool too.
I was thinking maybe it could follow someone who's involved in the jailbreak community or something along those lines... a hacker, but someone who doesn't do may illegal things, asides from maybe torrenting a tv show or two.
then someone really deep in the hacker community pulls him in and he ends up going on adventures from there.

5 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 11:53 ID:DOdV8vOV [Del]

kind of like the matrix style, if you get my meaning. XD
secret societies, hacker funtime, stuff like that.
but I have to be careful just in case it gets stupid.

6 Name: zitaosers : 2013-08-18 21:21 ID:dRVQtScU [Del]

oh wow this is super late sorry
but I though maybe not like 100% futuristic
just like 10 or 15 years in the future, with advanced technology and stuff
but matrix style is always super cool
you should definitely do the hacker idea though because it sounds really well thought out and it's a really unique type of plot :)

7 Name: Ace : 2013-08-18 23:06 ID:SRTiomWv [Del]

oh no broskii
it's cool

but yeah... who should the bad guys be though.
it could be the big software corporations being jerks to hackers, cause they do that a lot....
I think I should just get started and let the plot go from there...
maybe I can have people leave comments to make suggestions.

I'm puffballinthedark on deviantart if you want to see where it's at so far.
it's going to be called the lucidity index, and somehow a character called .rar will be involved.