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Could you recommend a good art site? (4)

1 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2013-03-02 14:22 ID:CgoO2O0X [Del]

Hello everyone~

I just wanted to ask you all for some advise. I'm an artist who only works with pencils and paper, a 'traditional artist' I believe is the term, and I am currently looking for a place to upload my artwork, which I take photos of. I know I can just post them up here, but it's not the same when you have a whole site dedicated to drawing, right? =) So, I ask you today for some recommendations.
I am not going Deviant Art, since it is too crowded there and, from my observation, the number of fame-horders and trolls there is quite high. I once tried Flickr, but it kind of didn't work out for me, for some reason. Perhaps I was not too into it since I couldn't find a group to join.

2 Name: Takeuchi : 2013-03-02 14:39 ID:aTUO5W0v [Del] <-------- please feel free to check out this site,It's a japanese drawing site both digital and traditional, I dont think it's that crowded since only a few months ago they announced the 1 000 000 users, It might be a little hard to navigate yourself if you dont know japanese or if you don't use a search engine that doesn't translate.

3 Name: ~Headphones~ : 2013-03-06 12:02 ID:CgoO2O0X [Del]

Thank you for the suggestion, but sadly, I do not understand much of that site, since my computer can't read Japanese =( I do think it is interesting, but since it hasn't entirely been translated in English, I can't use it.
Any other recommendations?

4 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2013-03-07 05:35 ID:Y4zwrH1U [Del]

It's not really a dedicated art site, but Tumblr works well for proliferating content if you have a few followers. The tag system makes it rather easy to filter content on your blog if you also use it for normal reasons.

I would suggest Tegaki, but that's more for digital art sketches on the fly rather than scanned works.

Those, pixiv, and deviantart are really the only ones I've seen people use as dedicated art sites, unless they had their own domain. Flickr seems more for photography, and it doesn't seem very good for content sharing. It's more like a personal archive - same goes for photobucket.