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need advice! (6)

1 Name: Mockingbird : 2012-11-28 00:59 ID:nJ+Vei0x [Del]

I want to start to draw my own manga but I've never taken a formal art class so the only thing I know how to use is a no.2 pencil. Can anyone tell me the basic tools for drawing manga? that would be very helpful. thanks!

2 Name: Clockwork : 2012-11-28 01:49 ID:xG7mISOV [Del]

I use Fabercastle pens. I'm not sure if that's the best tool but they come in different widths for different lines and it's the only pen I know that really looks black on paper.
If you have the money, a pen tablet and drawing program cant hurt

3 Name: Live 2 Die !3Sd75li6/6 : 2012-11-28 10:26 ID:YDyF/fbB [Del]

Ah, good question. Here are the basic requirements:

1)Any pencil that suits you-Its a very easy choice. You can use whatever you want for drafting. I use a mechanical pencil because its thinner.

2)Paper-Of course, you need paper to draw on. If you are short on funds, just use printer paper!

3)Ruler-Backgrounds, swords, panels, etc, etc.

4)Inking pens-In order to submit your work to anyone in the real world, (As in, not online)you will need to ink your manga. As Clockwork said, Fabercastle is a good brand, but if you want professional pens, (Not dissing Fabercastle, they are a solid brand, but I dont prefer them) go with Copic.

5)Drawing Space-This one is, like the pencil, a simple necessity. A desk, table, counter top with a stool next to it, anything really. But it would be best to have a desk or table, but if worse comes to worst, all you need is floor and lap space.

6)Eraser-It would be best to go with a white eraser, because the pink ones tend to leave a pink smear if you push too hard.

7)(OPTIONAL) Screen tones-These add a lot more dramatic effects to your manga. They're a bit hard to find, and they are hard to get used to, but with practice, these are every manga artists foothold.

Well, those are pretty much all of the BASIC necessities. I only suggested what me and most of the artists I know use. But, its up to you to use whatever you want. Good luck!

4 Name: Mockingbird : 2012-11-28 20:32 ID:lLcXVPOd [Del]

wow! that's plenty of info. thank you very much, Clockwork and Liv 2 Die!

5 Name: Shizu-Chan : 2012-11-29 06:44 ID:hqJyAYnh [Del]

If you wish to draw it on paper, lead pencils and india ink pens are what I use.

If you want to draw it digitally to make it more professional, I would buy a tablet. There is also a program called Manga Studio (there is a less expensive version for people just doing it as a hobby and a really expensive version for professionals). It is made specifically for making manga and its difficult to use at first, but there are tutorial videos on youtube that can help you out until you get the hang of it.

6 Name: Mockingbird : 2012-11-29 15:50 ID:IgQWmmmz [Del]

is it like illustrator or photoshop? because i'm a graphic designer so it would be nice if the design software were similar so that it would be an easy transition. and thanks for the info.