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Help me! I can't get it right! (6)

1 Name: Konpachi : 2012-08-07 12:41 ID:tv9S2xgT [Del]

Every time I draw the eyes or other parts that come in pairs (ears, hands, feet, ect.) they don't seem to match! Please can someone give me some tips for shonen style drawings??? T-T

2 Name: Zion : 2012-08-07 13:04 ID:qGpvusu4 [Del]

that's the buetifull part of the human body, everything that comes in pairs isn't the same, intuition won't let you draw 2 things exactly the same, because all thing differ slightly

3 Name: Konpachi : 2012-08-07 13:10 ID:tv9S2xgT [Del]

I mean like mirroring the eye, I get the right eye correct, but the left...

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-08-07 14:01 ID:6sUw+9rK [Del]

I suggest that you try drawing guidelines. There are many differen't types; you could just draw lines specifically for making the eyes, or you could draw a whole grid so you can be positive they're the same size. If you don't want to draw the guidelines directly onto it, you can also draw the lines on another paper/buy grid paper and put it underneath what you're working on.

In fact, you could even get tracing paper. Trace your first eye onto it and then use that paper to trace the next eye. I'm not a fan of tracing, but it does work.

Either way, as you continue drawing (with or without guidelines), you'll eventually be able to draw them without issues. I used to have problems, as well, but I'm a lot better now. It just takes practice and experience.

5 Name: Artifex : 2012-08-07 15:20 ID:pehnLHSZ [Del]

Here´s somehting I read and it´s true:
when drawing the eye start with the corner of the eye and line it up with the nostrils.

for ears the top of the ears line up with thetop of the eyesand i think the bottom of teh nose.

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