Dollars BBS | Art
















My Art Page (14)

1 Name: Patteeh : 2012-06-09 08:32 ID:DVECtl7Z [Del]

Hi Dollars! (:

My name is Patteeh.
And i'm a first year student of Digital Arts & Entertainment.
& I've started a Art Page where i will be updating regulary my
art. This will be from drawings untill 3D art.

I really hope you guys take the time to like my page so you will get to see my updates and stuff like that.

It would be awesome if the Dollars, you guys
would help me sharing my art.

Hope you will enjoy! ^^


2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: Kao !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-10 10:14 ID:udeZ4cnN [Del]

You can't just upload them here?

4 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-10 11:31 ID:Ed8KT8ci [Del]

Either upload your pics or let this die. Don't advertise for other sites.

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Patteeh : 2012-06-10 12:42 ID:q6lMIxhN [Del]

My files are to big to be uploaded here..
And i'm not going to lower then in quallity.
Otherwise what's the point in working high resolutions?

But i wan't to thank the 2 people who did the effort of going
to my page and liking it.

Thank you very much!
I hope you will read this! ^^

7 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-06-10 13:01 ID:Ae2f27dl [Del]

>advertise for other site
>facebook page

I can safely say, you're taking this waaaaayy too far with it.

8 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-10 15:41 ID:udeZ4cnN [Del]

>>6 Oh okay, just wondering, and yeah I get that a lot with the resolution craps and stuff >_> totally feel you...but I checked out your art, it's really great. Did u do the 3D art? I'm sorry, i just can't believe it, it's super good. ;o

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 15:59 ID:J67vjTU1 [Del]

I don't totally agree with people just making threads to advertise their facebook page, or any page outside of the site. If you want to make one big thread for everyone to share their FB... art page... things, then that's fine. But I don't see the use of having a whole thread if you're not even going to be posting your artwork in it.

10 Name: Patteeh : 2012-06-10 16:25 ID:q6lMIxhN [Del]

Hey Kaori,
Yea i did make the 3D stuff because i learn
in school how to make stuff like that. And i've got some big news for you then m8, if you liked what i maked like the radio. Wel that doesn't compare to what i have made now. For my final examn i had to make a car in 3D. And i'm going to upload it to my page next week. After the examn. Because i don't wan't no copy-cats.. (you do have that allot in my education..)

Dear BarabiSame & Others,
First of all my apology's.. Because I did not know that you can't post a link to another website.. I don't really see the reason why not.. because it's facebook and evrybody knows that website.. :P Annway the reason why i'm linking my page here and not upload a lower version of my art here is simpel. It's because only the dollars can see these posts.. And if i have a "site" where evrybody can see my Art and like it & comment it and share it.. It's very obvious that i prefer to load my Art on there.. Instead of here.. And if you didn't know i already loaded Art up here a long time ago, around Christmas. Look back and you'll find me. Also when i posted stuff up here.. almost nobody believed me.. that i painted that stuff.. Wich really frustrated me.. And now again dear Kaori.. i'm not a fake :P
I HATE COPY CATS.. so why in the world would i upload other people's work.. and make them "famous" instead of myself.

Next up.
Evrybody is free to put his link of his page up here.
I will certainly Like the page and comment the Art.
And where i can, i'll try to give some possitieve feedback.
So that you can grow better.


11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 16:32 ID:J67vjTU1 [Del]

>>10 There's nothing wrong with linking to another page, but you need to post some of your own art in the thread, as well. I mean, com'on. Threads have a post limit of 1337. How are we going to get 1337 posts out of this aside from bumping, complimenting, and arguing? Oh, yeah - we're not.

You can post your art here after resizing it. Even if the quality isn't perfect, at least we can see what your art is like. I'm not very tempted to visit the page of someone who won't even post their art in their own art thread.

Did you share your other art in the art sharing thread, or did you make your own thread?

12 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-06-10 16:34 ID:J67vjTU1 [Del]

Actually, you already have a thread for advertising your artsy youtube channel. Why don't you just post it there, where there are already examples of your artwork?

13 Name: Patteeh : 2012-06-10 16:44 ID:q6lMIxhN (Image: 1929x2871 jpg, 930 kb) [Del]

src/1339364645445.jpg: 1929x2871, 930 kb
The reason is simple,
We stopped the channel.. Since my friend, who i worked with
on the channel stopped with making video's & Art..
And i've talked to my teacher about the channel.. He loved the idee of sharing my art.. But he hated the fact that we copy'd other peopl's concept art.. even if it was for practice and that it was. But this page here is all pure my creations without annything copy'd of annything.
I wanted a oppertunity to "clear" my name.
I can understand that some of you people will think that this is bullshit.. but it isn't. In the world of games/animation/movie's/.. one's name is very fast burned out. once people discoverd that he "stole" something from annyone else.
And here is another work of me.
(Lower version..)

14 Name: Kaori !KauEZ5GCtY : 2012-06-10 22:52 ID:udeZ4cnN [Del]

>>10 I never said you were fake or the likes, in fact it was a compliment because I thought your art was 'famous artist' good. But if that's the way you want to take it, then that's okay too I guess.