Dollars BBS | Art
















Something from me to my fellow Dollars (12)

1 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 16:16 ID:gtitiAxc (Image: 864x216 jpg, 859 kb) [Del]

src/1335647780687.jpg: 864x216, 859 kb
I was thinking that it would be awesome if we as a group could start growing and really making some changes in the world. So I figured that something like this would help spread the word. This design is the size of a default bumper sticker. The original is a higher resolution but it exceeds the forum size limit. If you want that one let me know and I will send it to you. I really do believe that if we come together we can become more than a group of people who love an anime. But rather a group who can change the world for the better. So let this be part of the beginning. Go forth and spread the word. Here is to the future and to change my friends.

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-28 16:56 ID:Cly5YsVc [Del]

Your image is broken.

3 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 16:58 ID:gtitiAxc [Del]

You can't see it?

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-28 17:10 ID:Cly5YsVc [Del]


5 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 17:15 ID:gtitiAxc (Image: 864x216 jpg, 859 kb) [Del]

src/1335651347975.jpg: 864x216, 859 kb
That's odd. I even checked on my phone and I could see it. I'll include it in this post. Maybe that will fix things. What do you see anyways?

6 Name: Palmtop-Kitten : 2012-04-28 18:33 ID:7M0ozOiP [Del]

I little X >>5

7 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 18:37 ID:gtitiAxc [Del]

Do images on here have to be uploaded in a certain format? The file is a jpeg. Should I maybe try a png or something else?

8 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 18:41 ID:gtitiAxc (Image: 4572x1143 jpg, 552 kb) [Del]

src/1335656511069.jpg: 4572x1143, 552 kb
Tried exporting it from Photoshop this time. Maybe that will help.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-28 19:41 ID:Cly5YsVc [Del]

>>1 >>5 Neither of these worked, but >>8 worked.

Moving on, what is the grand purpose of this thread, OP? I know you want to share that picture and get us all pumped up and shit, but that doesn't sound like enough for a whole thread. Do you want other people to post things? Do you want a discussion? Well, either way, it should be art related :V This /is/ the Art board, after all, despite the fact that you seem to have put a variation of an overdone Mission with a lack of detail here.

10 Name: Crim : 2012-04-28 19:54 ID:gtitiAxc [Del]

>>9 The idea was to give something to share around. And to possible suggest ideas or present stuff like this. I figured that a discussion would follow. Perhaps I should have been more specific. And technically this is art related. It was a simple idea that was meant to be left open to some interpretation. To me it seems like things here are divided between those who have a desire to do things and those who just love the anime. I would hope that we would be able to get everyone together to do some good. So basically this thread is open to interpretation. My goal was to simply get a ball rolling so to speak.

11 Name: Durence !/19MV32koE : 2012-04-28 21:48 ID:DbWN643l [Del]

Yesh, this could very well fall under Graphic Art. I like what you did too. ^ ^ Totally would put this on the back of my car as a bumper sticker! If I had a car, of course. :x

12 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-29 07:20 ID:Cly5YsVc [Del]

>>10 :| We're not required to do anything. In fact, the members who don't want nor like to do missions are often insulted when people try to force feed this type of stuff to them. Nonetheless, this thread is a duplicate mission, then, if you're trying to spread the Dollars' name and want people to use this bumper sticker. The only place I can think for it is the Smaller Missions Thread on the Missions board (under Main).

What other reasons do I have? I can't see why this needs to have a whole thread of its own. It's not a discussion, and while you did make it, it's really not art. Give me two minutes and Paint and I could make my own. Sorry, but that isn't art.

If this was a whole thread for graphic art and several people contributed various interesting things and if the goal wasn't just to spread the word and make people do missions? Maybe. Right now? No.

Either change the intention of this thread or move it.