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Woodburning (29)

1 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-29 13:48 ID:JLNTVQCx (Image: 770x395 png, 632 kb) [Del]

src/1330544885253.png: 770x395, 632 kb
Would anyone want to buy one? I can turn most photos into a wood-burning.

contact me at

..... I know, I'm being a bit of a whore, but I need money for my tea.

2 Name: Redana : 2012-02-29 15:47 ID:hVYAE9f0 [Del]

And How Many do you ask for it ??

3 Name: The Doctor : 2012-02-29 16:42 ID:JLNTVQCx [Del]

Small (7X9) $10
Large (10X12) $15
email any other questions.

4 Name: The Doctor : 2012-04-15 17:27 ID:RxlnVkT3 (Image: 415x554 jpg, 121 kb) [Del]

src/1334528837276.jpg: 415x554, 121 kb

5 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-15 17:53 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

>>4 Dose pervy pony pictures.

6 Name: The Doctor : 2012-04-15 20:35 ID:RxlnVkT3 [Del]

>>5 Hey, I just took the order, I don't draw 'em. lol

7 Name: Ivory : 2012-04-15 21:12 ID:wDc+a553 [Del]

>>4 Don't look at the plot

8 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-16 11:09 ID:dLajjNl7 [Del]

So you're getting paid, to turn images you didn't draw into a wood burnt image. So basically you're promoting Art Theft, if YOU didn't draw the image?

9 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-16 11:37 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

>>6 Yeah I figured. But..still, dose pervy ponies.

10 Name: The Doctor : 2012-04-24 09:55 ID:RxlnVkT3 (Image: 1016x254 png, 620 kb) [Del]

src/1335279310027.png: 1016x254, 620 kb
Did a wood burning of a photo I took at anime Boston 2012
There is more to come ^_^

11 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-04-24 15:03 ID:wQE8NatV [Del]

I wouldn't mind this topic, if it didn't try to have people BUY it from you. Because all you're doing is burning some other person's artwork on wood, for cash. It's still Art Theft. It's like claiming you can draw, then TRACING it, and wanting people to recognize you as a talented, professional artist, and thus get paid for work you barley did.

12 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-01 05:47 ID:RxlnVkT3 [Del]

>>11 Actually, I do photos I take, or people send me, such as the one in >>10 and >>1.

The MLP burnings were an experiment, a request by someone.
And yes, while they're not my drawings, it still takes a lot of work, and an eye for detail to burn it sand it, shade it just right, and stain it.

Besides, Tattoo artists copy works that aren't theirs all the time, it doesn't make it art theft, it's a request by the client.

.......I have a feeling you're going to say something to call me an art thief and say "that's different" then list several reasons why it is so..........

13 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-06-01 21:16 ID:Ed8KT8ci [Del]

I need to do some wood burning for a project I'm doing over the summer and into next year, could you give me some tips?

14 Name: The Doctor : 2012-06-02 05:46 ID:RxlnVkT3 [Del]

>>13 be careful of what wood you burn, some types of wood are treated with chemicals, which you don't want to inhale, and try to keep your head a good distance from the board, to avoid inhaling the smoke.
Also, sand the board before burning, to make a smooth surface, otherwise, you might end up with a washboard effect where the grains are.

15 Name: zombie-girl : 2012-06-02 19:01 ID:3HKc8SWe [Del]

i love the my litte pony one. that is so cool. :D

16 Name: @dmin@lice : 2012-06-02 22:45 ID:BOR97Nyx [Del]


17 Name: The Doctor : 2012-07-23 09:03 ID:RxlnVkT3 (Image: 346x461 jpg, 80 kb) [Del]

src/1343052234606.jpg: 346x461, 80 kb
One I did of my pet rabbit Chewie

18 Name: The Doctor : 2012-10-02 15:17 ID:5gmOmbSm (Image: 461x346 jpg, 93 kb) [Del]

src/1349209044434.jpg: 461x346, 93 kb
Some Coin sized burnings

19 Name: Luciferus Hellsing !ALCL315MiU : 2012-10-02 17:41 ID:y7awMvL7 [Del]

Those are really good, I never really thought that woodburning could be used like that. I might give it a try myself one day.

20 Name: The Doctor : 2012-10-04 15:24 ID:5gmOmbSm (Image: 882x162 png, 369 kb) [Del]

src/1349382295379.png: 882x162, 369 kb
Here's another cosplay photo I took At anime Boston

21 Name: The Doctor : 2012-10-16 05:06 ID:2vyoH7I8 (Image: 461x346 jpg, 89 kb) [Del]

src/1350381961936.jpg: 461x346, 89 kb
And some more....

22 Name: BarabiSama !!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-10-16 08:03 ID:tPtZRUOu [Del]

>>21 Those are pretty cute :O

You know what would be awesome? If you did tokens (coin-sized and all the same shape) and sold them en mass. I would buy them :I

23 Name: Endelee : 2012-10-16 18:08 ID:W1DUCODo [Del]

These are really cool O_O

24 Name: The Doctor : 2012-10-30 13:55 ID:2vyoH7I8 (Image: 962x440 png, 974 kb) [Del]

src/1351623341875.png: 962x440, 974 kb
A side by side comparison of a photo I took at anime boston 2012

25 Name: The Doctor : 2012-10-30 13:57 ID:2vyoH7I8 (Image: 866x396 png, 678 kb) [Del]

src/1351623426750.png: 866x396, 678 kb
A side by side comparison of a photo I took at anime boston 2012

26 Name: The Doctor : 2012-11-06 06:08 ID:2vyoH7I8 (Image: 683x462 jpg, 166 kb) [Del]

src/1352203721631.jpg: 683x462, 166 kb
New one, took me 5 hours to finish

27 Name: The Doctor : 2012-11-28 11:21 ID:5gmOmbSm (Image: 515x442 png, 497 kb) [Del]

src/1354123307230.png: 515x442, 497 kb
Anime Boston 2010

28 Name: The Doctor : 2012-11-28 11:22 ID:5gmOmbSm (Image: 1088x1088 jpg, 149 kb) [Del]

src/1354123340314.jpg: 1088x1088, 149 kb

29 Name: The Doctor !!XI8GEi6V : 2013-08-17 04:51 ID:BXvPs2zG (Image: 884x480 png, 941 kb) [Del]

src/1376733077433.png: 884x480, 941 kb
Some more burnings, still need to cut them out