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Anime drawing is overrated (18)

1 Name: Ouka : 2012-02-25 00:23 ID:pltHKFpR [Del]

anime drawing is ovverated these days. im a modern abstract artist. do u guys agree?

2 Name: Black Haru !4Wf3m.ar1o : 2012-02-25 00:50 ID:EmyWnIE8 [Del]

Cool story, bro.

You gonna show us some of your art before you go flapping your trap about other people's stuff?

Please do.

3 Name: reilyx !.18ItdoukM : 2012-02-25 11:14 ID:1j7cVxwN [Del]

Well, despite the negative tone to it, I suppose this is an actual question posted on the correct board...

Here you go:

No, I don't agree. Abstract artwork is something anybody, with NO talent, can do. I do it. I've done it for about as long as I've been drawing. It's easy, and it's usually fast. Most people will develop a single style, and stick with that forever and keep calling it "art."

Sorry bro, that's not how it works. Sure, abstract shit is cool and I love it, but it is NOT better than any other form. As an abstract artist, I find it to be a cop-out for those of us that have a difficult time drawing actual people and objects.

"But anime characters aren't real people!" Yeah, on a physical and psychological level, that's true. But to be able to draw in this style, you have to have an understanding of proportions and human anatomy that most people find very difficult to replicate.

It's popular, that doesn't make it overrated. It's popular and actually requires skill.

Abstract art is also popular, but anybody can do it.

Please, take a moment to consider the necessary skill level accomplish different artistic tasks before you go judging another style as "overrated."

Good day, sir.

4 Name: NaeBree !jAUXc1hruw : 2012-02-25 11:24 ID:SD/XqPCx (Image: 960x840 jpg, 66 kb) [Del]

src/1330190673037.jpg: 960x840, 66 kb

5 Name: Zen Kawano : 2012-02-25 17:50 ID:aKcyvCNh [Del]

1: i draw anime, and its a hell of a lot harder than it looks
2: unless youre going to show me some art of your own, dont insult my shit
3: making an ass of yourself with this thread isnt helping you. keeping your opinion to yourself would have been best

6 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-26 12:53 ID:ngdCIzfc [Del]

Oh boy, time to be controversial.

Clearly OP's point is badly worded, and ignorant. It criticizes an entire style of art, and pompously makes it seem like one style is better than the other.

But I ask, more rationally - is this claim unfounded? Is there absolutely no truth to the statement, and is he really trolling? Some people do have the opinion that anime art is a terrible thing.
But not because of the style itself,
I mean what it does for the art community.

The anime style tends to have enough similarity between certain artists that it can almost be considered a template. It is, in fact, much easier to learn how to draw in the anime style than one's own unique style - because it works like a starting point. Now, am I saying anime is for beginners only? Of course not. But it acts as a gateway for potentially good artists later on.

Unfortunately, it's ease of access and popularity among anime enthusiasts and complete weeaboos alike also attract those who cannot grasp the essence of improvement.

It's fine to doodle on your own time; nobody really cares what you draw if it's personal. But there are so many people who will barely learn the basics and start mass-producing trite bullshit on popular art-sharing sites. They draw not to improve as artists, but because they are imitators - they idolize anime to the point that they are jaded from developing any further in their style.

Basic things like anatomy are lost on them, but it's okay because they have huge god damned eyes and look vaguely like their favorite anime, desu.

This thread was started on the wrong foot, partly due to its ignorant premise and partly due to the sheer volume of people that may fall into the category mentioned above, intentionally or not. But i'd like to see real opinions on this.

Anime may not be bad, or inferior to other styles of art, but perhaps it is overrated.

7 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-02-26 13:24 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

Well, and opinion is an opinion.
I'm not a big fan of abstract, and in most cases don't agree with it being called an actual art unless there is actual effort put into it. Most of it I see however, is just something done quick with no real thought. It's about as creative as throwing a bucket of paint on a canvas.

Anime however, can actually be alot harder than drawing realistically because the proportions are different.
I suppose the style is rather overrated because like abstract, not much effort is put into it much of the time. To even draw it correctly (if you count there being a correct way to draw anime, maybe I should say successfully?) takes plenty of practice and basic anatomical knowledge. Chibis however, are incredibly overrated, and since they usually fall into the same style as anime, I'm bringing it up.

I dunno, I just feel that even though art is something that everyone can do, like anything in life there are different levels, and things that can be done very simply like abstract or everyday children's crafts are on a totally different level than surrealism or subject matter.

Now don't take this as attacking you or other abstract or anime artists, I'm merely stating my opinion as you asked.

8 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2012-02-26 14:55 ID:CidIG7D7 [Del]

lol the exact same topic was on my dash on tumblr

But yeah, it can be overrated, depending on how you look at it

Anatomy is hard - But that's hard in every art style.
Actually, I find realism more difficult - Probably because I've been drawing animus since I was what, 5?

And abstract is actually kind of difficult to make look good
If it looks like you just rubbed it across your asscrack then no one's gonna like it
It still has to have a theme and motif and crap like that

I don't know whatever the fuck "modern abstract" is but hey still art

9 Name: Lost Soul : 2012-03-02 01:45 ID:qrKBjvIV [Del]

I think this is the first thread i've seen where people are taking it so seriously. I like 99.9999999% of the different types of art. Can't every one just understand that all types of art have a purpose and are beautiful in their own way.

If people could just learn to just accept eachothers veiw there would be way less anguments.

10 Name: Riipple : 2012-03-02 04:32 ID:Nd2hpI+A [Del]

I think abstract is more about the meaning while anime is how pretty it looks.

11 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-03-02 13:50 ID:SYONllQ7 [Del]

>>2>>5 BUMP

12 Name: Pandora : 2012-03-02 17:14 ID:8oTq957A [Del]

Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Certain types of art appeal to certain people. I like abstract and what everyone has said I do agree with. Though, what you see is anime... is not always correct. There are other artists that do realistic art. I draw stuff similar and I have had a teach who has told me he likes how there is a cartoon-like look to it still. Post your stuff, if it is modern abstract art then hey all is forgiven in my book. Nothing is overrated if it's popular.

13 Name: Lakota : 2012-03-02 22:28 ID:BA79Xrui [Del]


14 Name: rolling girl : 2012-03-13 23:24 ID:gFlw5PAN [Del]

Hey, I don't personally like abstract all that much, but I don;t really have a problem with it, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.However,you do not have the right to bash on another style of art and say it's "overrated", Especially, if you do not have a reason, and if you don't show us your god damn own art.

15 Name: Yamie : 2012-03-14 11:10 ID:W970zV4P [Del]

I have to agree with all the other people. I'm okay with abstract art because it touches your imagination. I find anime/manga hard to draw because you gotta learn how to draw anatomy, perspective, etc. I'm not one of those imitators that mimic other people's artwork. I draw my own shit. :l

16 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-03-14 11:17 ID:oqcd50Bv [Del]

>>15 That is an opinion! I NEVER copy other art styles. Im a mangaka who makes everything up and it looks pretty DAMN good! (Only saying that because you have to know all the facts in order to judge!)

>>1 Dont go hating...just...just dont

17 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-03-14 12:46 ID:ZjiCptt7 [Del]


You still had to learn from some other Art, or by looking at people to get Anatomy right. You didn't get GOOD by making it up and have it look realistically 'proportional' and correct, and it turn out good.

You just didn't. You still had to look at stuff, may it be Art, people, whatever, and get a style down based on what you saw.

There is NO Artist in the world that would say that they didn't do it, because it's impossible.

I think that was what Yamie was TRYING to say.

18 Name: Yamie : 2012-03-14 13:55 ID:m8wHPp3a [Del]

>>16 I know it's only my opinion. I was just telling to >>1.

>>17 Lol, thanks. Style is important in manga, too. Right now I'm trying to stabilize my own style and it's taking a while.