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YouLeftMe an art thread. (56)

1 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-16 15:58 ID:TbfzJx6v (Image: 186x384 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1329429490021.jpg: 186x384, 10 kb
Yeah I'm just going to post art now. It's not the best but yeah. I'm happy with constructive criticism. I'm always open for improvement and for people to point out what's wrong with my art.

2 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-16 20:57 ID:AXfVPEfZ (Image: 693x544 png, 47 kb) [Del]

src/1329447440119.png: 693x544, 47 kb
He's not finished yet. Though he will be at some point in time. Perhaps..... if I get around to him. Nods normally piss me off to no end.

3 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2012-02-16 21:31 ID:dh5v0w0b [Del]


4 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-17 19:31 ID:RNS8vIgs [Del]

>>3 I'll try to this weekend and post him. C:

5 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-17 22:52 ID:AXfVPEfZ (Image: 745x1053 png, 337 kb) [Del]

src/1329540762395.png: 745x1053, 337 kb
The blurs didn't come out on the copy of my ghost when I transferred the file. Anywho, this was for my digital graphics class last year. I made it say you lost the game because my teacher knows which game i'm talking about and he had to look at them all to grade them.

6 Name: KuroNecoChan : 2012-02-18 03:54 ID:N3jkdNKt [Del]


7 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-02-20 08:59 ID:plORKGo5 [Del]

Awesome artz, here!

8 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-20 15:40 ID:AXfVPEfZ (Image: 1447x855 png, 214 kb) [Del]

src/1329774043083.png: 1447x855, 214 kb
>>6 >>7 Thank you. I try my hardest. ;^;

Anywho, once upon a time I got bored and made a pile of holyshit of the sake of it being the summer and I ran out of things to do. Yeah hours without sleep with a dash of boredom and just a sprinkle of salt and you got shit. Enjoy.

9 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-24 08:08 ID:pxc6+UHZ (Image: 331x396 jpg, 12 kb) [Del]

src/1330092496587.jpg: 331x396, 12 kb
Just a little pen sketch on a sticky note. I carry many sticky notes due to boring classes. Sorry for the poor quality of the picture it's my phone camera and I'm on the bus.

10 Name: Stef : 2012-02-24 08:36 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>8 I lol'd. You should draw two of those getting it on. Then you could call it "holy-fucking-shit" =D

>>9. I'm usually not a big fan of "anime-styled" characters but something about this one appeals to me. For some reason I can't explain, it makes me feel nostalgic. At any rate, even though it's a quick sketch I enjoy your style. You got the proportions perfect. Keep up the good work.

11 Name: akihisa nikku : 2012-02-24 16:00 ID:ZdlbrFB4 [Del]

>>8 that a holy shit XD

12 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-24 16:10 ID:vrw6TfkD (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 198 kb) [Del]

src/1330121400059.jpg: 1536x2048, 198 kb
>>10 hmmm that's a good ideal. Wow thank you! I try my hardest to get that stuff correct. It's actually an ideal for a character in a fan fiction I write.
>>11 why yes yes it is.

Well anywhoooo, this is a sketch in pencil so it's hard to see sadly but I posted it anyways.

13 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-26 21:15 ID:G4UgAuHY (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 443 kb) [Del]

src/1330312546646.jpg: 2048x1536, 443 kb
This is some of my old work, i did about a year ago. Still enjoy looking at it through.

14 Name: anubis !uSezxvwowc : 2012-02-26 21:39 ID:YfrUoo26 [Del]

>>13, I do not have words for how amazing this is

15 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-27 16:04 ID:5ANE06vR (Image: 384x444 jpg, 13 kb) [Del]

src/1330380289213.jpg: 384x444, 13 kb
This was also a year ago, do ignore my spelling mistake. ._______. I'll fix it at some point.

>>14 Thank you! My friend is always saying I should just go into album art making.

16 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-28 15:52 ID:UlUpbw8Y (Image: 307x475 jpg, 9 kb) [Del]

src/1330465968232.jpg: 307x475, 9 kb
An actually recent drawing of mine. I like it even though it's just a head profile.

17 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !MANGAS6Kfg : 2012-02-28 15:53 ID:plORKGo5 [Del]

I draw quite a few head profiles, or just heads because I want to... But really, this really is good! I wish I had your talent, especially with hair...

18 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-28 16:00 ID:G4UgAuHY [Del]

>>17 Thank you, I may have talent with hair but I'm at war with those things called hands and feet. Which I've notice you've seemed to master. Feel like trading said talents anytime soon?

19 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-28 19:45 ID:AXfVPEfZ (Image: 1484x871 png, 205 kb) [Del]

src/1330479901520.png: 1484x871, 205 kb
Here is my still almost complete squid monster thing.
.____________________. I'm still trying to finish it.

20 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-02-28 20:35 ID:kDGJ2DUu [Del]

C'mon dude finish the squid thing already make another one and paint it green so it can be Cthulhu!

21 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-02-28 20:52 ID:AXfVPEfZ [Del]

>>20 ._____________. Your such a troll sometimes. I'm not making such a Cthulhu I already have a orange hat under that name.

22 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-07 21:03 ID:KI+MvZ8U (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 451 kb) [Del]

src/1331175785159.jpg: 1536x2048, 451 kb
These are my notes for philosophy. :D

23 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-23 23:11 ID:bVHSa9me [Del]

So anyways I've been missing in action due to spring break ect. Need to catch up on somethings.
Anywho, this is a picture in working on for art three. I just really felt like drawing a jellyfish, well a nettle jellyfish, bursting out of an apple with flowers. It has a symbolic meaning about knowledge but I'm supposed to be asleep right now. I also know its kind of hard to see due to it being the beginning process but I feel like showing the process I use for my alert art.

24 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-23 23:13 ID:1/SFDBhU (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 247 kb) [Del]

src/1332562415273.jpg: 1536x2048, 247 kb
And I forgot to attach the file.
.___________. Yup time for bed.

25 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-25 18:05 ID:NyHXiWRu (Image: 512x278 jpg, 10 kb) [Del]

src/1332716736128.jpg: 512x278, 10 kb
Just some colored ink work.

26 Name: kurosaki22 : 2012-03-25 18:10 ID:XE5vKHUl [Del]

>>24 is very nice are going to fill up the negative space or leave it as is?

27 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-25 18:16 ID:bF8gL/eH [Del]

>>26 yes I will be or my art teacher will kill me. :3 I'm not sure with what though.

28 Name: kurosaki22 : 2012-03-25 19:36 ID:XE5vKHUl [Del]

>>27 you could add similar flower designs to the background or could make it seem like the flowers are floating on water. either way it will look awesome. oh and >>14 is an amazing drawing too!!!

29 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-26 15:31 ID:N9ZbGO/f (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 458 kb) [Del]

src/1332793908817.jpg: 1536x2048, 458 kb

>>28 I think that's the route I'll go with, that or I'll come up with something else with some magical symbolical meaning that i just find interesting.

Any who moar inked art.

30 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-03-27 13:48 ID:mfXaLfaO (Image: 477x352 jpg, 11 kb) [Del]

src/1332874092642.jpg: 477x352, 11 kb
Did this a few hours ago after a test.

31 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-03 07:08 ID:/E+kG0pl (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 317 kb) [Del]

src/1333454934030.jpg: 2048x1536, 317 kb
Just a random doodle created out of not paying attention. Snape would deduct five points if he found out anyone was drawing in his class.

32 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-03 14:01 ID:tSUKoAoJ [Del]

>>30 I love this one ^^

33 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-04 17:02 ID:Og4chvlS (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 303 kb) [Del]

src/1333576970587.jpg: 2048x1536, 303 kb
>>32 thank you. XD

Just a quick update on the concentration.

34 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-05 22:36 ID:1/SFDBhU (Image: 276x512 jpg, 14 kb) [Del]

src/1333683414108.jpg: 276x512, 14 kb
Spaming art

35 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-05 22:38 ID:OSTVamrt (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 468 kb) [Del]

src/1333683483283.jpg: 2048x1536, 468 kb
Moar spam.

36 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-05 22:40 ID:NDWQ+wK3 (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 467 kb) [Del]

src/1333683627799.jpg: 2048x1536, 467 kb
Wonderful spam.

37 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-04-05 22:58 ID:tSUKoAoJ [Del]

>>36 so cute XD

38 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-04-06 14:29 ID:kDGJ2DUu [Del]

Ya know i just realized something about your art, it the way you draw your hair, you make very....unsettled, errr....slightly messy is the word im looking for from what i can tell from >>35 and >>36 even though >>35 is neater there is still some unsettled hair strands but it's still some awesome art bro.

39 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-06 21:33 ID:OLva4VNn (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 499 kb) [Del]

src/1333766018564.jpg: 1536x2048, 499 kb
>>37 Thanks again. :3
>>38 Yeah its something I tend to do. It makes the hair seem moar like hair to me. People always have a strand or two that doesn't compile with gravity. It also depends on the picture like in >>30 . Their hair is meant to be very messy while in ,>>35 not as much.

ANYHOW moar art.

40 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-06 21:39 ID:mX5yZibz (Image: 2048x1536 jpg, 454 kb) [Del]

src/1333766355187.jpg: 2048x1536, 454 kb
And that may be it for tonight. Idk might go like four years back in all my sketch pads just to show how much my crap had improved.

41 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-04-07 16:39 ID:7m8KjmUD [Del]

>>39 I think the loose strands comply with the style you're doing. Also, it's only natural that there are split and loose ends/frizz. I think it works.

42 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-10 18:37 ID:3csGayEp [Del]

>>41 Thank you, for completely understanding. :3

Anyways this is another piece I'm doing for art. You most likely cannot see the background because I sketch in layers thus it being really light. I'd love some commentary on the piece because so far its my favorite.

43 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-10 18:41 ID:/E+kG0pl (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 441 kb) [Del]

src/1334101294710.jpg: 1536x2048, 441 kb
Dammit i forgot to attach it again.

44 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-10 18:47 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

>>43 It reminds me of..the Nico Nico Douga television icon.

45 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-10 18:52 ID:lbr0ycs7 [Del]

>>44 hmm i never really bothered looking at it but it does.....

46 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-24 21:17 ID:Og4chvlS (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 690 kb) [Del]

src/1335320228074.jpg: 1536x2048, 690 kb
I yet to update in awhile so here I am doing just that!

This is Gef he has now spammed my school. Say hello Gef.

47 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-04-24 21:21 ID:8Zuq27RH (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 722 kb) [Del]

src/1335320517749.jpg: 1536x2048, 722 kb
And here is an update on Joey (tv computer face naked man)

48 Name: Oh_Yeah!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-04-25 19:49 ID:6N3Q8SVd [Del]

That is an awesome TV computer face naked man! It just goes to show that ppl with the name Joey are name is Joey BTW...

49 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-04-26 07:13 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

Dat Joey. And dat peeling nail polish. And dat Gef.

50 Name: BarabiSama : 2012-04-26 11:46 ID:OTQ/r+cQ [Del]


51 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-05-05 19:58 ID:uxIllLgo (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 968 kb) [Del]

src/1336265918367.jpg: 1536x2048, 968 kb
>>48 lol indeed. XD
>>49 lol yes.

Here is completed Joey I was meaning to post for some time. I'm working on another piece with him because he became my favorite. So far the catch phrase for the next piece is "Fuck you I'm fabulous."
Ill post him in few :3 oh and more chipped nail polish.

52 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-05-05 20:03 ID:tESZ0OZv (Image: 1536x2048 jpg, 925 kb) [Del]

src/1336266216540.jpg: 1536x2048, 925 kb
"Fuck you, I'm fabulous" is up. Its still in sketching phase it'll be darker later.

53 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-05 22:15 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

Goodness. Joey is the delightful tv headed muse isn't he? Such graceful beauty.

54 Name: YouLeftMe : 2012-05-12 17:15 ID:AXfVPEfZ [Del]

>>53 Oh yes yes he is, though if you change his mouth he instantly becomes a rapist. With graceful beauty, of course.

55 Name: SaintSoul !iv7VSm0lRw : 2012-05-12 23:19 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

>>54 Indeed he does.

56 Name: Kion Stelz : 2012-05-15 12:45 ID:+GVI1BFT [Del]

>>5 jerk... i lost the game