Dollars BBS | Art
















I are have shitty art (51)

1 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 17:37 ID:Ubsfabmm (Image: 450x600 jpg, 31 kb) [Del]

src/1329349076264.jpg: 450x600, 31 kb
I don't really consider myself an artist, so much as a closet drawfag with a bit of time on his hands. So here is some. Maybe more later.... Ah who am I kidding, I'm a glutton for punishment, of course I'll post more. I don't own a scanner, so you know... Iphone pics.

2 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 17:38 ID:Ubsfabmm (Image: 600x450 jpg, 24 kb) [Del]

src/1329349102982.jpg: 600x450, 24 kb

3 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-15 17:43 ID:aaph6aHw [Del]

Well shit, Stef, that's crazy awesome.

The level of detail on both of them is so clean - nothing really smudges or conflicts with other parts of the drawing, it's all distinguishable. The first one almost has a sense of depth, with what's supposed to be on the foreground and background respectively.

And I just like the design of the second one. The hair especially. It's like her hair is made of Starry Night :V

4 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 17:47 ID:Ubsfabmm [Del]

Considering they weren't scanned that's a pretty awesome compliment. My ego has been successfully stroked. "+4 arrogance" =D

5 Post deleted by user.

6 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-15 17:59 ID:T+eCdfu6 [Del]

You aren't have shitty art at all! (ノ◕▽◕)ノ。・:*:・゜

I actually like the first one quite a lot, the shading is nice and the highlights are dead-on accurate. It's a shame I can't zoom in to see it better ;u;

The second picture is nice as well, only the torso scared me a bit. I especially liked the the sword though, do want.

I want moar.

7 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 18:06 ID:Ubsfabmm [Del]

>>6 Hey thanks! Well, considering I'm 2/2 on the positive comments, I may just go find a scanner and upload more then, in non grainy quality haha.

8 Name: Poosh : 2012-02-15 18:07 ID:KwpRF5Rz [Del]

Poosh Approves.
No joke here. These are awesome.

9 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-02-15 18:09 ID:iaspuq+O [Del]

No ARTIST should consider themselves as Artists. True Artists just do it, not because they may be good, or paid, or whatever. A TRUE Artist, is the type that don't LABEL themselves as one, and just does what comes natural.

This was just commenting on the part about you not thinking you are one.

10 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 20:06 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>9 I'll keep that in mind XD

11 Name: SaintSoul : 2012-02-15 20:17 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

YOU HAFF NO SHITTY ART. How long does this take you to do?

12 Name: Mekura : 2012-02-15 20:18 ID:Q9pyMdO6 [Del]


13 Name: xAwesomEx : 2012-02-15 20:30 ID:3ouEaycA [Del]

Looks Awesome!!

14 Name: *insertnamehere*!!mhJDjCwh : 2012-02-15 20:37 ID:Q2KSr0DC [Del]

Some sexy art you have here, yo. Sexy art indeed. I demand more sexy art.

15 Name: Taekwondo : 2012-02-15 20:47 ID:PN9vjnj6 [Del]

Eh?? It looks great to me.

What chu talking about foo?

16 Name: Stef : 2012-02-15 21:39 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>11 the angel took about 9 or 10 hours in all after sketching, inking, then detailing. And thanks :D

And thank you everyone else =D

17 Name: Feral : 2012-02-15 22:20 ID:tQLrfteX [Del]

Dude, if you're what passes as a crappy artist these days, then I have to be a artistic abortion. These are great, don't sell yourself short!

18 Name: Ezry !mPczjqR4J6 : 2012-02-16 00:20 ID:6/hBpEQ/ [Del]

>>17 A lot of artists are very hard on themselves. Typically it's a 3 step process.
1- Work Completed. "I'm finally done."
2- Doubt. "Oh god I have spotted an error."
3- Self-Loathing. "This is the biggest pile of shit I have ever created"
I like artists with this attitude a lot better than any of the arrogant fuckers. Also, I like your art. It's always nice to see traditional drawfags.

19 Name: Kenren : 2012-02-16 13:10 ID:k5b7Ivcz [Del]

dude that shits amazing

20 Post deleted by user.

21 Name: Stef : 2012-02-20 01:43 ID:lHXS0fnD (Image: 500x375 jpg, 77 kb) [Del]

src/1329723825142.jpg: 500x375, 77 kb

22 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2012-02-20 02:22 ID:Ipl+D0PW [Del]

>>21 I really like the concept on this one, and even moreso the art itself.

I like how you drew the water, it's very convincing without having to have real, defined lines to indicate its flow. And once again, the detail on that fish is just ridiculous. The way you shade and outline really makes things pop out of the picture.

23 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 04:38 ID:LtNjjTzz [Del]

this full of Stef's bullshit lies about how his art is shitty.

24 Name: Stef : 2012-02-20 05:50 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>22 I appreciate the hell out of the encouragement. Honestly by the time I got around to having to draw the water I just wanted it to be done so I scribbled it without much thought. Now that I look at it I wish I would've taken more time lol.

>>23 kumo! Avert your eyes! I'm practicing! ........And masturbating :|

25 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-20 14:25 ID:LtNjjTzz [Del]

>>24 i do not even know how to respond to this....

also hate your artistic superiority over me. not that it's hard o achieve that, but still.

26 Name: Stef : 2012-02-20 23:36 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>25 My art isn't superior. Just, when in doubt, DRAW MOAR LINES. That's what I do :|

27 Name: Takara!E7th54kZFw!!XI8GEi6V : 2012-02-21 05:14 ID:jVRAOOr7 [Del]

>>21 I don't know what the hell the pictures of. All I know is that. It. Is. Awesome.

28 Name: silentmeme : 2012-02-21 13:44 ID:Bs+vtg/E (Image: 241x209 jpg, 5 kb) [Del]

src/1329853494739.jpg: 241x209, 5 kb

29 Name: silentmeme : 2012-02-21 13:45 ID:Bs+vtg/E (Image: 236x213 jpg, 7 kb) [Del]

src/1329853531178.jpg: 236x213, 7 kb
I give up. You are so good.

30 Name: Stef : 2012-02-21 21:02 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>27 lol it's supposed to be a fishy monster thing baiting and stalking some swimmer dude with some aquatic hooker-bait. Haha I don't own a scanner so that's why it looks so grainy. Eventually though I'll steal one and upload some higher quality bullshit /o/. And thanks for the compliment!

31 Name: Stef : 2012-02-21 21:08 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>29 agh, I meant to respond on my last post. I actually get alot of my inspiration from the dnd monster manual. You should check it out, maybe it'll spark something in you like it does for me! And thank you!

32 Name: Stef : 2012-02-22 00:06 ID:/YJL3o0P (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 141 kb) [Del]

src/1329890814107.jpg: 1024x768, 141 kb

33 Name: Stef : 2012-02-22 00:07 ID:/YJL3o0P (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 146 kb) [Del]

src/1329890836670.jpg: 1024x768, 146 kb

34 Name: Stef : 2012-02-22 00:11 ID:/YJL3o0P (Image: 1024x768 jpg, 143 kb) [Del]

src/1329891113118.jpg: 1024x768, 143 kb

35 Name: Yunie!PANDAvlttI : 2012-02-22 00:30 ID:A0oGRxjh [Del]

>>34 I see a white cord on the right corner...

36 Name: Stef : 2012-02-22 00:36 ID:kkC0/qzn [Del]

>>35 I-phone charger =D. Couldn't be bothered to move it :|

37 Name: Kumo!NC09qbtR1Q : 2012-02-22 00:42 ID:LtNjjTzz [Del]

god motherfucking dammit stef. y u be good at art?

38 Name: Bread!BREADU25mg : 2012-02-22 06:59 ID:T+eCdfu6 [Del]

>>33 >>34 Hah, you should be a game designer for 'Amnesia'.

You seem to enjoy drawing horror/surrealistic creatures and that game is scary as fuck. Your art is scary too, but it's the good type of scary :D

39 Name: silentmeme : 2012-02-22 20:57 ID:3qWiN9Ut [Del]

>>31 I usually draw portraits of people or paint, I just wish I could draw cool creative things like this, & I'll definately check it out thanks :)

40 Name: Stef : 2012-02-27 15:17 ID:LAhGuj7b [Del]

So I just looked at this thread on the laptop finally. And I just realized that everything is either sideways or upside down =/. Soon I'll repost scanned copies of all this shit and make sure they're oriented the correct way =l

41 Name: Lakota : 2012-02-27 18:59 ID:BA79Xrui [Del]

Holy Shit thats amazing!

42 Name: BlaireShoeNya : 2012-02-27 19:54 ID:NnujDLW9 [Del]

Awesome "shit" you've got here. My only question: Why do you think it's shit? I mean, other than the fact that the creator is always the harshest of critics. Some ppl would KILL to have skill like that! Like me! Which is why you might want to remain in public places for the next few years- *cough cough* I mean days. What psycho would stalk you for an entire YEAR just to kill you in hopes of absorbing your artistic talent...? lol

43 Name: ThisRandomKid : 2012-02-27 20:23 ID:kDGJ2DUu [Del]

>>21 dude are you kidding me?!?!?!?!? That awesomeness shouldn't classified as shit bro! Your just being too hard on your self keep that are up man!

44 Name: Kurama : 2012-02-27 23:05 ID:GT2g5HxZ [Del]

dayum that is so raw !

45 Name: dude : 2012-02-27 23:42 ID:Kj/eu1bn [Del]

dude you dont know shitty i suck more than u

46 Name: Palmtop Kitten : 2012-02-28 00:13 ID:tSUKoAoJ [Del]

This is amazing idk why you think it looks bad the detail on it is remarkable!! Amazing Job!!

47 Name: shilling : 2012-02-28 04:24 ID:A9JYpHg+ [Del]

if u call this shitty i want to dig a hole and die... amazing~~~

48 Name: Stef : 2012-03-04 20:03 ID:JfZWdBWv [Del]

You people make me blush. Seriously. I'm going to the closet now to get the blood out of my face. -tee hee-. Oh... My... Where did that come from.

Lol thanks for the encouragement peeps! I'll post more soon.

49 Name: Yu : 2012-03-04 23:42 ID:oyUBb84V [Del]

holy crap that is so awesome

50 Name: Yamie : 2012-03-05 14:31 ID:zvF3fhp9 [Del]

God damn it, Stef!! You're committing a CRIME!!! DX<<<<<

51 Name: Yukiko : 2012-03-05 15:18 ID:b/7El/88 [Del]

Wow, that's insane! Nice drawing, I've got some good one that I'll post from myself, but not nearly as good as that O.0