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What to do when you're in a rut? (10)

1 Name: Visce : 2012-02-01 11:26 ID:yJsxX7ow [Del]

Well I haven't drawn in about 6 months, haven't painted in longer. Right now I really want to paint or draw but haven't the slightest ounce of creativity right now.
When I force myself to begin drawing, it all comes out crap and wear my eraser done to the nub.

So in an effort to help myself, and maybe to help others here, what does everyone else do when they're in a rut?

2 Name: Twitchy : 2012-02-01 15:03 ID:wDyYHL+Z [Del]

I'm a writer and I get this a lot. >.< I usually go out for a drive and listen to the radio, or go for a jog or somewhere with my friends. I figured out that teh best thing to do is go after inspiration with a club and drag it back to your paper kicking and screaming.

^_^ Hope this helps some!

3 Name: Marcy !IPLEVNCIlg : 2012-02-01 15:16 ID:UBMkoeYj [Del]

Sometimes when I don't have any ideas I write (bad) fanfictions or fan art. I usually draw on the computer, but when I'm stuck I draw on paper ^ ^ Might not be good advice, but I suggest you draw some random comic strips of what goes on in your life (that usually helps me! :D)

4 Name: Feral : 2012-02-01 15:46 ID:tQLrfteX [Del]

I usually sit out on the old park bench in my front yard or head down to the riverside nearby and watch the clouds go by, some fresh air really gets me moving.

5 Name: SaintSoul : 2012-02-01 16:55 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

I usually stare at my wall blankly, which seldom works, doodle random stuff, or think of two nouns, like..Swimsuit wearing duck. Then try to draw it, gets my imagination running. Hope you can get yourself motivated.

6 Name: Visce : 2012-02-01 18:53 ID:yJsxX7ow [Del]

>>5 I think I'll do this.. using a word generator maybe.
If I had a scanner I'd post the results~

7 Name: Mr. Haze : 2012-02-02 19:54 ID:XYFCxh1p [Del]

I usually smoke a bowl or go for a walk for inspiriation. I've gotten Writer's Block a lot and it's a bitch when I sit in front of my computer for 30mins and I can't think of a single thing to write.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-02-02 20:43 ID:eSyMJRjz [Del]

I get this sometimes, too. Generally, I think the best thing is to just draw without thinking. Start with lines, think about what those resemble. Make it sketchy and then redraw it later. Just make something. I can never get out of these phases when I'm constantly trying to figure out what to draw.

Just draw anything :O Even if it looks like crap, it might help spark something new.

9 Name: Nomura_Mangaka* !kGDW0ZgPaE : 2012-02-02 21:22 ID:pAPk0ei9 [Del]

I know that when you're tired as hell, you can sometimes just zone out and draw without thinking, I've turned out some of my greatest work that way... If I could find it, I would add it to my thread...

10 Name: Shibatou.. : 2012-02-03 20:22 ID:yGfQs6fc [Del]

I usually think of an idea, scetch it out, and keep drawing on it until it no longer resembles what I had originally intended to create.