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Artist Trading Cards (28)

1 Name: Terra !xXEdPe9TZ. : 2012-01-22 22:27 ID:jebAHv3B [Del]

Hello, I was wondering if there were other people that were into Artist Trading Cards, and what types you prefer. Also, are the Canson Fanboy Manga Trading Cards respectable (professionally), or would they seem a little too much like amateur material? And on the backs of the cards, what is the standard information to put on there? I should also mention that at this point in time I'm not looking to trade, but merely to get ideas so I can start my own collection. Any comments would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

2 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-23 15:16 ID:QhY+OX/n [Del]

Making trading cards does sound interesting, actually. When I was younger, I designed my own Yu-Gi-Oh cards. I never did figure out if it was possible to submit them or not, though lol When it comes to just your own artist trading cards, it really seems like it would be a fun project. Have you done them already, or are you just asking for information about how to start?

3 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-01-23 15:21 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

Oh yes, I love doing ACEOs. I wasn't aware there were types of them though xD
I always just sign my username to whatever site the person knows me from, and real name on the back of them.

4 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-01-23 15:49 ID:QhY+OX/n [Del]

...what would happen if we did Dollars tra-
Oh damn. This shit is probably copyrited.

5 Name: Terra !xXEdPe9TZ. : 2012-01-23 16:18 ID:jebAHv3B [Del]

>>2 I'm actually just starting to do them. I have a lot of the Canson Fanboy Manga packs, two or three of the Strathmore Bristol, Bamboo, Watercolor, etc. and I just wanted to know if anyone had any specific types of ATCs they liked, such as anime/manga drawings, landscapes, animals, watercolor paintings, stamps, etc.

>>3 What kind of ACEOs do you usually do (Medium wise and what kind of art is used?

>>4 Is it sad that I looked those up right after I read your post? Yes, they DO exist!

6 Name: Seika Chugo !!dZlEviJU : 2012-01-23 17:43 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

>>5 I usually use marker, ink, or colored pencil; and I draw whatever the other person requests, be it their character or something random.

7 Name: Terra !xXEdPe9TZ. : 2012-01-23 18:19 ID:jebAHv3B [Del]

>>6 Ah, I see, so you usually do it by commission. I've been thinking about that too, I wanted to see if I could just make some of my own without asking people what they wanted. I'm going to make a set of ATCs that depict my own characters to hopefully promote my stories.

8 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-13 13:35 ID:CvNDtsH/ [Del]

^ I'm starting my own line of trading cards now. I'm working on a novella series to publish along with it so the game has an interesting background to it. I'm mainly doing it because I need money, but as I commented earlier, I do think it's fun.

9 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-13 13:37 ID:CvNDtsH/ [Del]

Anyway, when it comes to printing them, is there a specific type of paper that's best for it? I was thinking of getting stylized punch out business card sheets (we used to use it for the store, and you can get them in a lot of different shapes and sizes), however, I'd like to know... is there something more official? I've been looking it up, but google has been a bitch lately. I keep getting ads when I click on links, and a lot of results you can't copy/paste the URLs from because they're too long. (Probably just a minor virus on my part; I don't have time to run McAfee atm.)

10 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-13 14:04 ID:CvNDtsH/ (Image: 792x616 png, 49 kb) [Del]

src/1336935855857.png: 792x616, 49 kb
DUDE. is God.

I can sell a pack of fifty for 15 dollars, and that's obnoxiously cheap for trading cards anyway. But look at this. 42 bucks for 1000 cards? And you can get as many sets as you want. Dude. DUDE.
1000/50=20x15=300-45=255-probable shipping=200 bucks. It's perfect. And I can buy it in larger amounts as well

5000/50 =100x15 =1500-110 =1390-probable shipping =1200 bucks
20000/50 =400x15 =6000-350 =5650-probable shipping =5200 bucks

Of course, that doesn't count the cost for the boxes/tins. However, I know I can get those wholesale for a couple cents a piece. It will, at most, give a 50 buck dent in the end result if I get it shipped it right. If I can get the right money to start and find the right venues to sell, I can and will have caash :| <3 <3 <3

11 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-14 06:13 ID:0KTV12po [Del]


12 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 11:00 ID:xFLJUCIt [Del]


13 Name: Live 2 Die : 2012-05-27 13:08 ID:yJ+0KnE4 [Del]

>>11 Barabi...Why would you use a carrot? Theres no meaning to it...Is there?

14 Name: Thiamor !yZIDc0XLZY : 2012-05-27 13:15 ID:nly1+xb+ [Del]

The ^ is her way of bumping the topics.

15 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 15:07 ID:xFLJUCIt [Del]

>>14 This. If I'm in a rush, I don't bother writing "bump".

16 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-27 17:39 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

Oh that's cool that you're making a trading card series!
I never thought to do anything like that xD
Is it similar to any other style of card game? (like moreso than others?)

And you think that site will work for playing cards too?

17 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-27 17:46 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

>>16 Depends on what you mean. Like, a 52 pack deck of playing cards? No; it doesn't divide that way :V But playing cards as in trading card games? Yeah.

I didn't want to make a new thread, so I put it here, but the thing I'm doing is actually a trading card game series. Artist trading cards are a bit different ;O

18 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-27 17:50 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

>>17 Yeah I meant 52 playing cards. And darn :c

It's fine, lol you're an artist, and they're trading cards, they might not be ACEOs, but the thread's titled Artist Trading Cards, so it fits haha

19 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 11:54 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

>>18 There are probably a lot of other sites you can use for playing cards. I mean, playing cards are pretty popular :V

20 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 12:51 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

I can't find any sites for designing your own fronts (as in, the ace/joker/king/queen patterns), but there are a lot for making decks with your own designs on the back. The majority of them make you do all 52 cards with the same design, but if you intend to sell them, you can buy 52 decks at a time with different designs and then switch the cards around so there are different images on the back of each card.

21 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-28 14:26 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

>>19 I found one where you can design both front and face cards.
And it's pretty cheap.
The reason i asked was cause last time I searched I couldn't find one and I didn't want just laminated cardstock like alot of the tutorials I could find said. It's

Nah, I just want a couple decks of my characters completely customized playing cards.
I, for some reason, have started collecting decks of playing cards xD
So just the idea of having a set all my own that nobody else would, seems like one of the most fun things I could make! Especially if each card front and back can be my design. And since I could actually play with them.

And lol there'd be no point in a deck of playing cards if all the backs were different! You'd be able to tell what card is what if you used them enough.

22 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 14:33 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

>>21 I love playing cards o-o I collect old decks and poker sets. I have one set from the 20's that I got at an estate sale. It's a black case with crushed velvet inside. It's got a mirror, two old decks, and a flask (can't have poker without alcohol). Sucks that they replaced the original chips with fucking fake plastic chips. You can tell by the weight and material that they're not original (they also don't fit in right), and the original set wouldn't have been perfectly filled with chips. Ah, well. Can't argue with fifty cents.

Also, yeah. I didn't think of that last part lol

23 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-28 14:49 ID:+jQPBBP/ (Image: 768x1024 jpg, 201 kb) [Del]

src/1338234569013.jpg: 768x1024, 201 kb
>>22 :o Thats so cool though! Even if the chips were replaced, that's pretty sweet!

This is my coolest deck, they're two 46 card decks from 9-A that I got for 2 bucks from on of those thrift sale events. When a bunch of people set up shop at a church or building. I forget what they're called. But I got them there lol.

lol the only reason that even came to mind was because of that one episode of Yugioh where they marked their cards on the back.
And magic tricks.

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 14:58 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

>>23 Flea markets? I... live... at flea markets. And yard sales. And everything. We don't have a lot of money, so pretty much everything I own is second hand. I also love bulk junk day. That's where I got my writing desk, my chair, my wooden chests, my doll chairs... et cetera. One day, I found this suspiciously heavy-looking box, and when I opened it up, there were a shitton of perfectly fine books and card decks. Needless to say, I took it.

Getting back on topic, though, yeah. I should get off my lazy ass and start designing things =o= I would love to share my progress on here, but since my whole thing is a business venture, and I don't want anything stolen (we've got plenty of art theifs on BBS, mind you, although they're not usually regulars). So, yeah. I won't.

25 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-28 19:05 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

>>24 THATS IT.
Thank you, thats been bugging me ;A;
I rarely get to go to them, but I love them. There's a massive garage sale down the road this weekend that I bought some stuff from, but like, everything they sell has something wrong with it DX
Awe that's awesome :O What kind of cards?
I had to buy my writing desk DX
What's bulk junk day? I've never heard of it.

Thats like me and the dumps though. Picked up a perfectly good bar chair (like the barstool chair things), same with a wheel chair, some super cool looking dictionary and thesaurus', a walker for my dad, a bunch of records. Man, you can find some good stuff at the dump xD

Do you have a DA or Nabyn or anything where you post them?
And yeah, I noticed xD That's why I don't post any of my digital art and why my thread is focused around requests.

26 Post deleted by user.

27 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2012-05-28 19:30 ID:67TGpLn6 [Del]

>>25 Bulk junk day is once a month for sections of each town here. We don't have a dump nearby, so if you want to throw out large items (furniture, large boxes, something en mass, et cetera), you have to throw them out on your section's bulk junk day. It's fun. We get up at like six and go driving around town, trying to beat the dump trucks to good finds >P

Nah, I usually keep my digital art for business purposes private until it's finished and watermarked. I have an art thread here for my normal art, though :O I'm not a fan of DA. It just... bothers me lol

28 Name: Seika Chugo !!9KDV7k+y : 2012-05-28 19:52 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

>>27 Thats totally awesome :O
We don't have anything like that around here. Wish we did thouhg, sounds like alot of fun!

I see. Can't wait to see them finished then xD
And yeah, it's starting to bother me too. It's like they don't address any of the problems and just keep upgrading things we don't care about or use. That's why I got a Nabyn lol