Dollars BBS | Art
















KANRA...=D (33)

1 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-20 21:10 ID:wbVcZ2eB (Image: 750x1000 jpg, 179 kb) [Del]

src/1324437045681.jpg: 750x1000, 179 kb
just want to share this with everyone who loves IZAYA(KANRA) !!

I drew this out of boredom. too lazy to scan it so I thought I just take a picture of it and color it with AP then :)

2 Post deleted by user.

3 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2011-12-20 21:46 ID:dh5v0w0b [Del]
I'm assuming that's your account and you didn't steal this (not trying to be rude here)

At first I thought you colored it on paper like that, not digitally. I was amazing. Either way though, you're talented.

4 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-20 21:47 ID:wbVcZ2eB [Del]

yes, that's my deviant account =D
thank you!

5 Name: Kururi : 2011-12-20 21:58 ID:bFcNyvKR [Del]

I like the shading.

6 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2011-12-21 04:12 ID:dh5v0w0b [Del]


"I was amazing."

Okay, I meant to say I was amazed. Sorry.

7 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-21 05:18 ID:eWh3yfxC [Del]

@kururi: thanks!

@ultispy: its okay (^^,)...

8 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-21 10:46 ID:aYLAG56G (Image: 382x734 png, 18 kb) [Del]

src/1324485994866.png: 382x734, 18 kb
>>3 were you talking about last night, or what XD jkjk sorry. I lovs it!!!!! wanna see my girly Izaya? I did it from scratch in MSpaint :D Took my about an hour and a half!

I drew it for a RP I designed, LOOKING FOR PLAYERS!!!!

9 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-21 10:50 ID:aYLAG56G (Image: 444x498 png, 16 kb) [Del]

src/1324486219109.png: 444x498, 16 kb
ANOTHER PICTURE??????? I feel this one is crappy tho... oh, yeah.
No saveing. No putting on other sites. No claiming as your own. (but why would you ever wanna do thet? it's crap!)

10 Name: Yamie : 2011-12-21 11:28 ID:W970zV4P [Del]

>>1 Did you use copic markers to color the picture?

11 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2011-12-21 12:12 ID:dh5v0w0b [Del]

Ha, that's just adorable. It's kind of what I would a younger Kanra to look like.

But the question of how on earth can you make such adorableness from scratch in MS Paint. I'm not good enough to do crap in that program.

12 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-21 15:53 ID:aYLAG56G [Del]

>>11 I'v had to deal with MSpaint all my life, so I'v gotten really good at drawing in it. Also, if you are really bad at art, look on deviantart to find some good atr bases(go for the bmp. and png. file types). You can also watch tutorials and other helpful How To things on youtube and dragonart. :D

The more you know!! AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE!!!!!

13 Name: Loliprincess : 2011-12-21 17:22 ID:cu6FipBw [Del]

looks pretty cool nice job ^.^

14 Name: ultispy !L9K4OkD6Mo : 2011-12-21 17:52 ID:dh5v0w0b [Del]

I'm pretty okay when it comes to drawing, I just need certain programs to satisfy me. Like, Paint Sai is the best and has the most smooth lines. You can download it here if you want-]
And then there's Gimp. Yay for Gimp Version 2. It's all free.

In my opinion, you have to be talented to use MS Paint and come out with something still really good XD I'm just not good enough.

15 Name: Nancy : 2011-12-21 20:18 ID:wOCkgIq2 [Del]

Wow that's a cool drawing. I like it you should be in a drawing contest. Only were you draw only animes you should toroly be in the contest will bye σ(^_^;)

16 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-21 20:58 ID:zBzgkF9G [Del]

>>14 THANKS!!! I'll ask my Mommy if I can download it! And I hope she'll say yes cuz weebly is a trusted site in our family, so fingers crossed!

17 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-21 23:19 ID:PIE72+5Z [Del]

>>8 =D

>>9 I love it.he looks so cute =D!

>>10 I didn't use any markers...I just took a picture of it from that angle and colored it with Adobe hehe...

18 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-21 23:23 ID:PIE72+5Z [Del]

>>10 I thought it looked better if I did it that way instead(^^,)

19 Name: Peachboy69 : 2011-12-22 03:28 ID:LZ0y1Poi [Del]

cool girl version. :D

20 Name: Izaya : 2011-12-22 13:44 ID:oCeVZX6x [Del]

i love this pic u made is cool

21 Name: ame : 2011-12-23 00:45 ID:f8FKYkoP [Del]


22 Name: Esukera : 2011-12-23 04:13 ID:QN0rMTeQ [Del]

I think you are good girl ! ; )

23 Name: Akira05 : 2011-12-23 06:41 ID:AQPq2ofw [Del]

Hahahaha I love that!!! It's epic!

24 Name: Kyoko : 2011-12-23 10:04 ID:mxaY0rFo [Del]


25 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-23 20:52 ID:Pn43QoXa [Del]

working on Shizu-chan next ;)...

26 Name: Koniko !gMFwps0fbU : 2011-12-24 01:24 ID:vatpby8T [Del]

>>25 I wanna see that!

27 Name: ANDKyon!tWTZCgJd/w : 2011-12-24 01:42 ID:KbFTPmj8 [Del]

awesome! you've got great skills☆

28 Name: 7th Heaven !yW3mbpsdF6 : 2011-12-24 08:12 ID:jwmRPzio [Del]


29 Name: setton : 2011-12-24 11:34 ID:D1r/pTU6 [Del]

is thats a toshiba labtop?

30 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-24 12:07 ID:2hGktnJZ [Del]

>>29 yep :)

31 Name: mika~chan : 2011-12-24 15:50 ID:RL0UPGLb [Del]

what did you use to color it?

32 Name: Roserietta : 2011-12-24 21:24 ID:GEjlHxPf [Del]

Yes, I mustttt know, how did you color? Copic markers? Watercolor pencils?

33 Name: Ad90 : 2011-12-24 22:07 ID:N+HK/6M8 [Del]

>>31 & >>32 I just use adobe...I was too lazy to scan it so I took a picture of like that and just color it right there...