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duct tape (36)

1 Name: lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-11 14:02 ID:TiVyawth (Image: 1280x768 jpg, 585 kb) [Del]

src/1321041736250.jpg: 1280x768, 585 kb

2 Name: イジー愛は打た : 2011-11-11 15:17 ID:3R+FE7+x [Del]

Far out!! This is totally wicked. :D the whole hat itself too xD lol its 'fedora-ble' *thumbs up*

3 Name: Reisa : 2011-11-12 19:02 ID:iqIBkB8L [Del]

Really awesome. How is that possible? lol

4 Name: lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-12 21:08 ID:ELU27NCz [Del]

>>2 lol thanks

>>3 Lots of duct tape and boredum.

5 Name: lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-12 23:58 ID:ELU27NCz (Image: 1280x768 jpg, 678 kb) [Del]

src/1321163927548.jpg: 1280x768, 678 kb

6 Name: Ninja_Zero : 2011-11-13 01:36 ID:9rjh32fH [Del]

whoa wah u a god damn wizard or something

too pro

7 Name: akito !yOtkeBN2P2 : 2011-11-13 04:35 ID:BXr1Ofk5 [Del]

wow, that's really impressive, how long did that take.. xD the most coolest thing i've made with duct tape is a bracelet for class color day at school xD

8 Name: lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-13 17:19 ID:5bl6twOy [Del]

>>7 depending on how bored I am about 15-30 min per rose

9 Name: Durence !s1izYuYRXs : 2011-11-17 20:59 ID:DbWN643l [Del]

Seriously, only 15 - 30 minutes? I'm totally looking up how to make these. :D Yours look really awesome; plus, nice Fedora.

10 Name: lizardkake !vNp8uyCqzQ : 2011-11-19 14:54 ID:EltZ4YC5 [Del]

Tankou very much.

11 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-11-19 21:51 ID:f2rmz95E [Del]

you should totally sell these for like 3 bucks each

12 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-21 13:18 ID:nNToXm4Q [Del]

When I first started making them I was in the park and someone gave me a five and took one, it made me smile.

13 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-11-22 18:52 ID:f2rmz95E [Del] should sell them

14 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-23 00:16 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

Anyone willing to buy them... First I need more duct tape all I got left pink....
Gotta get a job.

15 Name: Baka ni Baka : 2011-11-23 11:58 ID:f2rmz95E [Del]

Yep I suggest Black tape. You can;t go wrong with black

16 Name: ame : 2011-11-23 14:31 ID:f8FKYkoP [Del]

wow thats amazing!

17 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-23 14:47 ID:ZkL/yHmE (Image: 768x1280 jpg, 277 kb) [Del]

src/1322081259134.jpg: 768x1280, 277 kb
Wa-la the last of my duct tape.

18 Name: BarabiSama : 2011-11-23 16:16 ID:Qm17fyaj [Del]

We make those in art class a lot. My teacher has an obsession with duck tape. It seems like every project includes it in some way lol

19 Post deleted by user.

20 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-23 18:56 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

>>18 that is awesome.

21 Name: BarabiSama : 2011-11-24 07:59 ID:ourHeXTz [Del]

>>20 It's more awesome that you do it on your own. I bet you could get good money selling this stuff. I'd definitely buy a few if I had the money, but I unfortunately don't D': Ah, the horror of being broke!

By the way, where did you get the pin and the patch?

22 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-24 17:17 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

The two small pins, I got at hot topic
The the big one, a friend drew for me in anime club
I don't think there is a patch.

23 Name: Rokuro !aGh7wDGyVI : 2011-11-24 22:58 ID:L1CP8zBI [Del]

>>2 Fedora-ble. I love that! Especially since I wear one myself.

But yeah, this is some really impressive stuff. I would love one, but, alas, I too am broke. T-T

24 Name: BarabiSama!!C8QPa1Mt : 2011-11-25 11:13 ID:NL2dQhRw [Del]

>>22 Sorry, I thought the pin on the right was a patch for some reason lol

>>23 I got a pink and black plaid one at the flea market for a buck :O I got another black one with a red plaid stripe at a garage sale for twenty five cents along with a plain black one. If you look around, I'm sure you can find something that will fit your budget.

25 Post deleted by user.

26 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-11-29 04:02 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

I actually got this fedora at Mexico for cheap cuz I gave the guy a red duct tape rose, I was soooooo excited!!!!

27 Name: Pineapplez!lsl.FRUIts : 2011-12-04 15:50 ID:CidIG7D7 [Del]

It looks cool

28 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2011-12-08 10:53 ID:RXPdgYYp [Del]

Thank you

29 Name: Anonymous : 2012-01-12 01:00 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

Anyone else have a cool art made from duct tape?

30 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2012-02-17 00:06 ID:ZkL/yHmE (Image: 768x1280 jpg, 357 kb) [Del]

src/1329458779059.jpg: 768x1280, 357 kb

31 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2012-02-17 12:07 ID:7dvnT7xD (Image: 533x399 png, 539 kb) [Del]

src/1329502079935.png: 533x399, 539 kb

32 Name: Reisa : 2012-02-17 13:11 ID:hpN4OflT [Del]

Those are awesome!

33 Name: Lizardkake !KhZF47EaNk : 2012-02-24 00:47 ID:ZkL/yHmE [Del]

Anyone have some requests of things to make out of duct tape? Flowers (and wallets) are getting a bit old....

34 Name: SaintSoul : 2012-02-24 01:00 ID:vlcMDD8Z [Del]

Hm..Can you make...well I would say bread..but that's about..A book? Like, a miniature model of a book, made out of duct tape.

35 Name: Umbra Serpens !T1rQ1UNnww : 2012-02-24 11:27 ID:NM94QooW [Del]

>>33 Pokeball flowers, a jacket, post a pic of your bag, make a duct tape shoe, coffee sleeve, rings (the fancy kind), a crown, a DUCT TAPE FEDORA.

36 Name: Hibari : 2012-02-24 11:30 ID:+GARdto8 [Del]

Make a car