Dollars BBS | Art
















is this going well? my artwork. ^^ (10)

1 Name: outsider : 2011-09-28 08:12 ID:wz7XzaZZ (Image: 900x800 jpg, 722 kb) [Del]

src/1317215569059.jpg: 900x800, 722 kb
is it okay? i wonder if i need some improvement here. ^^;

2 Name: HaiHai : 2011-09-28 15:54 ID:lyuqxatX [Del]

This is REALLY good. Did you make all the charecters, minus Shizuo of course, yourself? I don't watch much anime, so I can't tell. But yeah, theese look really good.

3 Name: Seika Chugo : 2011-09-28 15:59 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

OMG These are adorable~!
I love them, personally, I don't think you need improvement, but keep in mid that even the best artists can get better.

I don't see anything you need to improve on though, they look great!

4 Name: ame : 2011-09-28 23:11 ID:f8FKYkoP [Del]

this is awesome!! they are all really well done. i really like the one with the red hair.

5 Name: Kaku !Z89M6xK3X. : 2011-09-30 06:28 ID:MC9xhv2X [Del]

Nice~ The one with the bandage and red hair reminds me of Shinsuke Takasugi from Gintama :)

6 Name: Girl who likes to sing : 2011-09-30 10:09 ID:0x4oiZ18 [Del]

Absolutely amazing. I love the one in the too corner, and the one with red hair. The blonde/yellow haired dude looks EXACTLY like Shizuo haiwageema from durarara. Perfect. Even got the crowbar right. ;)

7 Name: outsider : 2011-10-03 05:21 ID:g1K8StWM (Image: 600x450 jpg, 43 kb) [Del]

src/1317637286175.jpg: 600x450, 43 kb
>>2 thanks!! :D
most of it i draw based on my imagination. (what i like in certain guy/girl) yea. except Shizuo. ehehe.. ^_^

>>3 oh my! i really appreciated what you say. thank you! i don't think it good though (before). still lacking a little, that's what i thought the most. but i really felt good that you like it. with this support i'll make myself go better than this! thanks! m(_ _)m

>>4 thanks a lot!! i like a guy with red hair, that's why i did that...A LOT actually. they look cool with that kind of color. haha! XD

>>5 i used to draw character with patch-eye, bandages, different eyed-color etc. looks mysterious though. yea, i know. i like Shinsuke Takasugi too. plus with that kind of dress!! gakkoi na~ :D

>>6 thanks!! i'm really grateful you think that way. it is shizuo~ i like him and izaya though. ahaha.. he is not shizuo without that. ahaha.. suite with him. ^____^v

thanks to you all for stopping by.. you just made my day. ^0^/

8 Name: Chronos : 2011-10-04 08:36 ID:5x++lni7 [Del]

Deff digging the red haired work.

9 Name: outsider : 2011-10-09 12:26 ID:XMpovuo1 (Image: 305x476 jpg, 36 kb) [Del]

src/1318181193261.jpg: 305x476, 36 kb
>>8 way to go!!! thanks!!

10 Name: celty : 2011-10-11 17:23 ID:j/6BmIBF [Del]

all right