Dollars BBS | Art
















I'm gonna try to draw every single pokemon (13)

1 Name: Cricket !hAHspn8xdw : 2011-06-16 14:15 ID:0wrUXOzy (Image: 500x669 jpg, 290 kb) [Del]

src/1308251731777.jpg: 500x669, 290 kb
My art blog is here:
My deviantart is here:

Anyways, like the title of this thread says, I'm aiming to draw all the pokemon. My computer still ins't fixed, so I've just been drawing them in my moleskine notebook and then uploading them to my blog via iPhone.

Tell me what you think and also post any silly Pokemon doodles you have done, if you so wish.

I'd love to hear all of your feedback!

Some of the stuff is silly and ridiculous "draw celebrities as pokemon" stuff, but I've been working on drawing them in my own style.

2 Name: Bubbles : 2011-06-17 15:55 ID:+Hxdz8gu [Del]

hey, I got an idea, wouldn't it be fun if all of us dollars members could draw like, one pokemon each starting from number 1 and see how many we draw? ^^ I know that wasn't your plan but.. '^^

3 Name: KIRA : 2011-06-17 17:11 ID:UKx05dYO [Del]

Ha ^ ^
>>2 An excellent idea~
Cricket can can still draw all the pokemon, and here we could have our own version of it. =)
We'd get alot of people making the same pokemon, but if we all kept making them, we'd draw [catch] 'em all.

4 Name: LOLcat : 2011-06-19 07:34 ID:o7EUO2V1 [Del]

Yeah. From Bulbasaur, to MISSINGNO.

5 Name: Cricket !hAHspn8xdw : 2011-06-21 15:08 ID:7Ck/AFoO [Del]

Dudes... Best ideas we have.

I've currently drawn 52 Pokémon, but I'm fine with redoing some when I get my laptop and tablet back.

6 Name: Asterisk : 2011-06-23 01:05 ID:uzWahqOy [Del]

I love this! Should we try going in order?

7 Name: Kasu-Chan!!MDqeze2d : 2011-06-25 14:14 ID:yj6uzke+ [Del]

Haha Awesome picture xD

8 Name: kuuki no you na kobura : 2011-06-25 23:00 ID:7MaXpXqO [Del]

hahaha!! fearow looks so tame here. :)

9 Name: The Cricket !hAHspn8xdw : 2011-06-29 10:37 ID:JhYHeqOt (Image: 1000x800 jpg, 222 kb) [Del]

src/1309361868602.jpg: 1000x800, 222 kb
Just go in whatever order you want.

10 Name: The Cricket !hAHspn8xdw : 2011-06-29 10:38 ID:JhYHeqOt (Image: 900x900 jpg, 315 kb) [Del]

src/1309361898272.jpg: 900x900, 315 kb

11 Name: Misuto!M4ZBq07Cs. : 2011-06-29 11:46 ID:qY/YLXiJ [Del]

...I love that primeape.

12 Name: 510recola : 2011-07-01 00:26 ID:lrO+Hb1V [Del]

that arcanin is amazing, i never caught before an arcanine but i always wanted one

13 Name: Worn : 2011-07-04 20:19 ID:4q1gt5qm [Del]

Arcanin in my opinion is the best.