Dollars BBS | Art
















What can you say about "art" (5)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2011-05-17 11:22 ID:EL94xyMq [Del]

I think it would be convenient for our fellow artists and just any other dollars who give a damn about art to know different people's perspective about art. Just say whatever you like about it(views, quotes,lines, etc ).
How you see it, how it affects your lives, anything at all.
Also, feel free to post photos of any kind of art(be it your work or not) and say a brief statement about it.

I'll start with this one:
You can't be at the pole and the equator at the same time. You must choose your own line, as I hope to do, and it will probably be color. - Vincent van Gogh

I guess I won't leave my explanation about it simply because it's easy to take grasp with.

Looking forward to your posts. Thanks!

2 Name: Seika Chugo : 2011-05-17 18:51 ID:+jQPBBP/ [Del]

My perspective of art? I'd have to say, that I see it as a way to express my thought process and imagination. Anything that doesn't exist in this world can be created through art. And its a universal language. Not everyone can can understand language, but everyone can understand a picture.
Art is amazing, simply put, and all forms of art, not just drawing, but photography, music, writing, everything, even abstract(though i'm not much a fan of abstract lol, some I can see emotion in, but for the most part all I see is a mess :I) Art is my life, and try imagining a world without art, (no car designs, meaning no cars, no tv shows, no dvds, no fancy clothes, etc.) art is everywhere.

my da:
which I really need to update with less fanart DX

3 Post deleted by user.

4 Name: mikado : 2015-02-24 11:22 ID:xwmgFWgJ [Del]

it htink its useless

5 Name: Anonymous : 2015-02-24 15:11 ID:brWToJN3 [Del]

I love art. No one can really tell you that you're wrong. It's your style and no one can really judge you. It's the perfect way to express yourself