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OCs (15)

1 Name: key : 2011-04-02 03:43 ID:eZkz6OXo (Image: 864x1440 png, 135 kb) [Del]

src/1301733828623.png: 864x1440, 135 kb
my OC key katsuragi when he's older
he's transgendered teen, about 16 years old :)

2 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-02 12:05 ID:zaP/kYT6 [Del]

:/ Maybe you're trying, or it is possible I am misunderstanding something, but it rude to refer to transgendered people by a gender other than by what they identify as, and it looks like Katsuragi is presenting as female. If she identifies as female, use those pronouns, please.

3 Name: Tetra : 2011-04-06 16:39 ID:JDZMIcha [Del]

>>2 Woah, chill bro. It's her OC. It's not real and not rude at all if she wants to refer to her OC in that way. I mean, besides, how else would we be able to tell if "she's" transgendered when we don't know the original gender in the first place? Fictional characters don't really keep secrets from REAL LIFE PEOPLE. Don't get so uptight when people decide to do what they want with THEIR made up characters. I'd understand if they were referring to a real person, but I mean, come on. It's an OC. How the hell can you disrespect someone that's not real?

4 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-07 11:56 ID:01eKkCv/ [Del]

>>3 I think that's a bit of an overreaction on your part, don't you? I could almost see your comment escalate in temper.

While I don't know what to say about the content, I like the way it's drawn. Nice work

5 Name: Tetra : 2011-04-07 23:44 ID:JDZMIcha [Del]

>>4 Please don't misunderstand. I was not as angry as my wording suggested. I just found it slightly ridiculous that Trieszt seemed offended over a minor thing that was completely OP's choice.

As I said, I very much understand if it was a real live person. It would be respectful to address one with the pronoun he or she prefers. But I mean, come on. It's a fictional character. I apologize for the misconception. My wording can come off as harsh. I'm merely straightforward.

6 Post deleted by user.

7 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-09 12:39 ID:xauzoHiP [Del]

Fictional or not, using the wrong one propagates misunderstanding and does hurt real trans people, because it tells them: Hey, I don't care!! And by trying to educate me, you're in the wrong, even if you were perfectly polite and explained yourself!! Yes, using the wrong pronouns is offensive, and I don't think I over-reacted, by putting in a little blurb that asked, hey, can you please think about what you're doing and use the right pronouns? People who use the incorrect ones for fictional characters probably would use the incorrect ones for real people, and it's best to correct them before they start doing it for a real person and actually hurt someone. Asking for education and understanding is not too much, and should not be treated as if it is.

8 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-09 14:17 ID:01eKkCv/ [Del]

Nevermind, I suppose it wasn't an overreaction if it caused this much backlash.

>>7 I'm not trying to purposefully be ignorant or offensive right now, as I'm sure you aren't, so I'm going to be straight up with you.
1) Calm the fuck down. Are you a transvestite? Does this honestly directly concern you on a deep personal level? If not, it's nothing more than hypocrisy to act as if it does.
2) Using the wrong pronoun is not even close to how offensive they could have been. At this point you're just being anal about grammar.
3) "By trying to educate me, you're in the wrong,"
I don't even know what to say to this. Are you in the right for completely disregarding Tetra's argument? To quote someone I know, "Asking for education and understanding is not too much."
...Oh. That's you. Nevermind.
4) In the event any of us meets a transgendered person, I think the use of proper pronouns would be the least of our worries.

Nothing annoys me more than political correctness nazis. It is my sincere hope this conversation will go no further than it already has, but you know how PC nazis get.
inb4 angry response(s).

9 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-09 17:15 ID:xauzoHiP [Del]

...excuse me, you are the one over reacting. Transgendered does not, under any circumstances, mean transvestite.

Pronouns and grammar are different. By denying someone the correct pronoun, you are denying them their identity. Unless someone is coming from a language like Hungarian or Chinese, where there is no word for 'he or she' and they just have 'they', it is not an issue of grammar. If the OP is from a language like that I apoligise, Hungarian is my first and I understand that sometimes you can accidentally get them mixed up.

The double !! were indicating what I was being told in your argument. This was also indicated by the colon, I'm sorry your reading skills are lacking.

What's wrong with trans people? Why should it be the least of your worries? Is it that, from your position of Cis privilege, you can't imagine extending basic courtesy of letting a person be comfortable, rather than forcing them to conform to an identity that does not suit them at all?

I am not in the wrong here. Furthermore, you are the only person here who seems particularly upset. Are you defending an OP who never even replied, and was likely not particularly hurt by my comment, or are you defending your own fragile feelings which are threatened by possibly re-examining your world view and maybe finding you were wrong? Furthermore, I worked and volunteered with an LGBT center for years, so yes, I am fairly sure I am the one with the expertise on this topic, rather than some person who is not involved with the issues of that community.

10 Name: Ayanavi : 2011-04-09 23:35 ID:9SI3jF07 [Del]

Or, you know, both sides of this debate could be entirely derailing the thread over petty issues that no one else reading actually cares about, determined to either defend the creativity of a writer to instill some kind of overtly important social ethics.

Because the internet is serious business - And completely hijacking someone elses thread because someone can't resist a troll, can't learn to just walk off and defend their beliefs where it matters, or simply can't leave well enough alone is the correct thing to do.

If the two of you are determined to write miniature essays back and forth defending your points of view, in a thread that in no way asked you, over a matter that the author apparently doesn't care about... I'd say you're both overreacting.

Tl;dr - U mad? U mad.

11 Name: Trieszt : 2011-04-10 00:19 ID:xauzoHiP [Del]

Sorry, you are correct, this was not the place for an argument, regardless of if I was in the right or if it is my belief this is something that needs to be defended because of wide-spread ignorance on the topic. I apologise that this conversation happened on the art board.

12 Name: Misuto : 2011-04-10 00:25 ID:01eKkCv/ [Del]

Right. It was a two-sided argument to begin with and it wasn't going to end well if either of us continued to respond. Apologies here as well, lately I've been overly confrontational when controversial topics spring up in the boards.

13 Name: Shikari : 2011-04-11 11:04 ID:0j2v1kpb [Del]

wow yea.. about the art board... well the art is nice and the character looks cool! I like the color red in the design and the haircut and style is pretty unique. I enjoy the loose and simple drawing style :D

14 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-04-09 23:47 ID:WJqSuR6o [Del]

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Or not.
That too.

15 Name: Inuhakka !.5xqXJfr96 : 2017-01-21 15:58 ID:Lxk5fgQr [Del]

Actually, coming back and reading this again pisses me off.

"By denying someone the correct pronoun, you are denying them their identity"

Interesting, I didn't know I was responsible for maintaining someone else's personal identity. This is similar to saying if a stranger doesn't believe I will be a great tennis player, I am being denied my chance to excel and succeed. As if excelling means everyone around me thinks I am good. Well, guess what? Having a personal identity doesn't mean everyone around you conforms to it.

Fuck man, I just don't get this shared responsibility for YOUR own feelings about YOURSELF.