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Learning to screentone (9)

1 Name: Digi-Cru : 2011-03-25 02:32 ID:l9ADZFUC (Image: 483x728 png, 278 kb) [Del]

src/1301038370105.png: 483x728, 278 kb
My first time using Manga Studio.

2 Name: Kaori : 2011-03-25 19:21 ID:bM6C50Hj [Del]

schmow thats awsum 8D -thumbs up- hhhmmmmmmmmmm i wish i had manga studio =w=

3 Name: Nobody : 2011-03-26 12:24 ID:gG28inSW [Del]

Did you not draw one of his arms on purpose?

4 Name: Nobody : 2011-03-26 14:46 ID:gG28inSW [Del]

Nevermind, I kinda see it now.

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7 Name: Misuto : 2011-03-26 17:24 ID:58qB5PZN [Del]

The left (my left) arm/hand kind of looks to be at a...painful angle.
As in I could not replicate it without pulling something.

It's pretty good otherwise

So what is manga studio, anyway?

8 Name: Shikari : 2011-03-27 15:41 ID:3wywT21E [Del]

pretty good use of screen tone? except it gets kinda jittery/pixely at one side, though this may be the effect you want to achieve. It creates this kinda weird kinda shockwave sort of feel. However for something dynamic like the effects you're making there I think the leaf pattern in the background kinda pull away from that image and creates sort of conflicting feel on the viewer.

The calm feeling the nature background and the excited feeling of the shockwave pattern contradict each other and create and unsettled feeling. During these kind of 'power/special-super-awesome-attack-i'm-so-cool scenes, many mangaka use dynamic speed lines or maybe a gradient to highlight such a scene. :)

Oh and the left elbow there wouldn't be pointed towards the side so much as down below the hand. The right arm (if he has one) should be showing (a bit) and the angle of his body is a bit too extreme for balance. But otherwise good job with your screentone eperiemtn, you achieve a really cool effect :D

9 Name: Digi-Cru : 2011-03-28 00:18 ID:l9ADZFUC [Del]


Yeah...his arm is pretty wonky >.>8

I'll have to mess around with the speed lines :D That part of the program is still confusing for me~

Thank you both for you opinions >.< They really helped alot!