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Log Horizon (93)

1 Name: Steve : 2013-10-23 09:26 ID:tUKgBAQq (Image: 368x450 jpg, 104 kb) [Del]

src/1382538379568.jpg: 368x450, 104 kb
A new anime that premiered on 10-5-13.
Plot:By its 11th expansion pack, the MMORPG Elder Tale has become a global success, having a following of millions of players. However, during the release of its 12th expansion pack: Novasphere Pioneers, 30,000 Japanese gamers who are all logged on at the time of the update, suddenly find themselves transported inside the game world and donning their in-game avatars. In the midst of the event, a socially awkward gamer called Shiroe along with his friends Naotsugu and Akatsuki form a guild called Log Horizon so that they may face this world which has now become their reality along with the challenges which lie ahead.

2 Name: Nakuai !0RSiPV5Zjk : 2013-10-28 21:14 ID:u5AROPdL [Del]


WHERE IS THE FANDOM FOR THIS ANIME? I really love Log Horizon and I don't understand why not that many people know a lot about it.

3 Name: asaki : 2013-10-29 03:29 ID:KX7FeFFU [Del]

I heard from my friends that this anime suck..but then still,after reading the summary for this anime I seriously think that this anime is gonna be quite exciting since its virtual reality.Anyway I will be looking forward to watching this anime once its completed^^

4 Name: DrMengus : 2013-10-29 09:03 ID:vtqfR9kY [Del]

Ok, it probably isn't, but that resume is almost the same as for SAO...

5 Name: Hiromi : 2013-10-29 17:18 ID:GWkT2PJ2 [Del]

I just started watching Log Horizon (the first episode, haha). Despite being similar to SAO, it has a completely different feel to it, and that's awesome. I'm definitely going to continue watching it (if only to find out whether they can really die in-game).

6 Name: Hiromi : 2013-11-02 21:38 ID:GWkT2PJ2 [Del]


So, as of the release of Episode 5, Log Horizon has risen to second place on Crunchyroll's popularity page, second only to Naruto Shippuden (which has been there forever.)

7 Name: CrazyOtaku : 2013-11-03 17:56 ID:jDvqUern [Del]

When the hell did they form a guild not even the anime of them doing that is out yet

8 Name: Anonymous : 2013-11-03 19:34 ID:E2tSiMBS [Del]

>>7 You do realize this IS the anime. Hence, the Animation board.

9 Name: Noelle : 2013-11-28 04:34 ID:1TPcmF+4 [Del]

It's a good anime, and to me it has a great storyline, even though it has some SAO feels to it, it still brings about its originality that Sword Art Online does not have, especially the less harem feature and more on battle strategies and megane people.

10 Name: YUi : 2013-11-28 07:52 ID:CEESMsbB [Del]

I love this anime

11 Name: Arcobaleno : 2013-11-28 17:56 ID:QfTCbWG9 [Del]

When I read about it I thought it'll be the same as SAO, but the only thing similar is that they're stuck in the game... storyline, characters and everything is amazing!

12 Post deleted by user.

13 Name: Xissx !6bey4Qz3DY : 2013-11-29 13:17 ID:WqLeVlnX [Del]

I'm always looking for something like .hack. I tired to find it in Sword Art Online, but sadly I hated Sword Art Online. That anime we complete utter garbage in my opinion. They should have called it Cliché Art Online, because that's pretty much all it was. How something like that got so popular is beyond me.
I will remain skeptical about this until I see it.

14 Name: Maou Chan : 2013-11-30 12:18 ID:jeBNk3OJ [Del]

I think Log horizon is much better than sword art online. SAO was a little bit to boring and romantic or something like that… And there the characters only had sword, that was really boring… But here, It is like better MMORPG, with mages, assassins…etc….

15 Name: Noutakkun : 2013-12-03 18:19 ID:V40Uva26 [Del]

Sao was awesome! >.> we all have our opinions though. i love anime and im an avid mmorpg player so SAO was epic for me lol. i love mmorpg based anime especially .hack and anything of its likeness. so this is on my to watch list definately

16 Name: kurokocchi : 2013-12-04 11:29 ID:3nf6n5nO [Del]

I watched the first 5 episodes and like some of you said it is original, i thought it would be a second sao but it isn't, we can say that sao follows the love story losing a bit of the basical idea of mmorpg (but still remains an amazing anime, i watched it something like 10 times). this one is on a different level we can't compare them, sao follows the love story, log horizon (i'm speaking about what i've seen of it until now) is more concentrated on following the definition of mmorpg using spellcasters, tanks and so on. i'll follow it with attention, it's interesting.

17 Name: Fyre : 2013-12-06 22:29 ID:R1Nc5L+m [Del]

that is the first thing that jumps to you when you are compairing this with SAO
This is what SAO was missing/lacking: PLOT
in Log Horizon, it stays sturdy throughout the whole thing. The characters are very realistic.
In SAO however, in the beginning was AMAZING! I couldnt wait until i watched the next episode but by the time it reached the 4th or 5th episode, the effects... disappeared. Im not going to go on ranting because of spoilers.

18 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-21 08:43 ID:PBfWMrlv [Del]

Bumping this amazing show.

I think SAO did the backstory and lore better, but apart from that Log Horizon clears the table in my books.

srsly though, the fuck is the deal with The People Of The Land?

19 Name: FREDRIQ !qd/L1y25ZU : 2013-12-21 09:23 ID:fnGsjRf5 [Del]

The episode that appeared last week explaining what; there is also a new episode tonight on

20 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2013-12-21 09:31 ID:PBfWMrlv [Del]

*kinda spoilers*

>>19 I've seen up to episode 13. Episode 12 was just aired on CrunchyRoll.

Even through episode 12, it still doesn't explain the deal with The People Of The Land. It explains that they are obviously way more sentient, that they are aware to some degree of life when it was a game, and that they are afraid of the adventures but also eager to use them. It does not explain, however, their significance in the Apocalypse, just what they intentions are, or to what degree they are aware they are in a game.

That's what I mean by 'the deal'.

21 Name: FREDRIQ !qd/L1y25ZU : 2013-12-21 21:16 ID:fnGsjRf5 [Del]

>>20 Oh, well in that case, I guess that the POTL are trying to actually rule the land, instead of just living with it. With the greatly stronger Adventurers, they might see if they can become stronger after the expansion pack. They might be trying to grow into a mighty force and, seeing how Japan isn't the only Server/Continent in this game, might try to expand their rule.

22 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-13 00:12 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

bump a bump bump bump

23 Name: fullmetal fusion : 2014-01-13 00:17 ID:ZdQoJ/gK [Del]

its good but it kind of pisses me off cause nothing really happens and they barely fight anything. i don't really know whats gonna happen

24 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-01-13 01:30 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>23 would that not just make it a rehash of previously done series of this nature?

25 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 04:15 ID:FwUPO/2c [Del]

>>23 Go watch Gurren Lagan if you want pure action.

Just waiting for that latest wizard to secretly know way more than what he's telling Shiroe,

26 Name: iilego : 2014-01-13 08:29 ID:jyNgvif4 [Del]


27 Name: maruru : 2014-01-13 16:01 ID:FyakXg3b [Del]

>>26 NO????

>>25 I don't know why (the face? the way he acts?), but I get the feeling, that this one wizard is kinda evil. I think, he might play a key role later on (yep - me no read novel^^)

28 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-01-13 17:01 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

So here's a hypothetical scenario I'm curious about your opinions on:

If Log Horizon came out right before SAO (basically the opposite of what actually happened), do you think the latter would have had as much hype and market success?

Cause let's face facts, Log Horizon has been fantastic thus far and SAO failed pretty hard after a few episodes aside from a couple moments here and there.

29 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-01-13 18:13 ID:FwUPO/2c [Del]

>>28 Honestly, no. I think SAO just marketed its qualities towards a wider, louder audience.

But yes, Log Horizon has trumped SAO in almost every regard so far.

30 Name: maruru : 2014-01-14 12:18 ID:FyakXg3b [Del]

>>29 SAO is like an apple and LH is like a banana. Sure, they are fruit, but how do you compare which is better? EXACTLY! You don't.
They are so entirely different that they only share the trait of being fruit (ok, some apples are also yellow...)

>>28 I think, LH would not have had the same attention as it has now. Everything started with a SAO hype and as for LH, everyone wants to compare it to SAO. If LH would have been first, SAO would still have been the hype (and LH would have been like any other Anime, which looks good to many people), been compared against LH - and probably many would have argued that SAO is better because of all the action in SAO, even though LH has a much better storyline imho.

31 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-01 09:12 ID:AUNiOLaI [Del]

>>30 If they are both Fantasy MMO styled anime, then they are both bananas. It just seems like Log Horizon is coming out as the better banana.

In other news, I just realised how many spoilers the opening contains.

32 Name: Inuhakka !u4InuhakKA : 2014-02-01 15:28 ID:fysl1fHS [Del]

>>31 Agreed. People compare other great animes in totally different genres and tastes without complaint, just based on quality. These two are based on the exact same concept, so I would justify a comparison.

I should forgo the intro, then?

33 Name: Sukaro : 2014-02-01 16:31 ID:BQGewual [Del]

comedy sao?

34 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-02-01 17:04 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>33 fuck no

35 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-01 17:24 ID:AUNiOLaI [Del]

>>32 You kind of only realise the spoilers as you are watching it, but it did ruin a few things for me that are yet to happen so you might want to.

Rudy, you son of a bitch, I know what's up with you.
I know.

36 Name: Solace !o0GOqY0U0w : 2014-02-16 07:25 ID:QpJqNufx [Del]

I ship Rudy and Isuzu so hard.

This show is only getting better and more interesting as it goes on. The way that it details the whole 'living inside the game' is completely different to any other anime in that genre, and is super imaginative.

37 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-02-16 12:13 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

>>36 dw breh, your ships super canon

38 Name: Hopeless Hero : 2014-03-12 18:41 ID:odkVu8V2 [Del]

This show to me feels like a more mature approach to the virtual reality world experience. Like it has so much potential and watching Shiroe be the strategist to all the major plans is awesome.

39 Name: Fate_Zero !LAmLG2m8HI : 2014-03-13 10:33 ID:47lhmqjr [Del]

At first I thought it's was gonna be kind of like SAO but the more I watched the more impressed I was. It's completely it's own thing and I like that. Can't wait to see where it goes from here!

40 Name: Sleepology !4a6Vun8zuw : 2014-03-22 18:46 ID:ec3UqG9G [Del]

Season 2 confirmed for fall, so says the final epsiodes ending.

41 Name: Ari!!dDDs5Idj : 2014-03-22 19:51 ID:oAs3s2AG [Del]

Shiroe is just such an awesome character, it's about time an anime came about with a strategist as the main character rather than a warrior or fighter :P I'm glad it didn't stray into other anime story lines, it's its own unique story line!!! And YIPPEE second season!!! :D :D

42 Name: Pandaman : 2014-03-23 20:48 ID:9iej/sn2 [Del]

2014 is really a great year

43 Name: HelloMiko : 2014-03-23 22:59 ID:d71DIUh2 [Del]

Awesome Anime :)

44 Name: HelloMiko : 2014-03-23 22:59 ID:d71DIUh2 [Del]

Awesome Anime :)

45 Name: Raiden157 : 2014-03-24 05:07 ID:ZuQHGhfX [Del]

Hope this anime get more epic in S2

46 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-03-24 20:25 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]

dat ending

The resolution for that "attack" felt anticlimactic. The new character introduction was interesting. The very end trying to wrap everything up was okay but could've been better. I'm looking forward to season 2.

even though it means we won't get to enjoy this every week.

47 Name: inkyubeytor !LKPzUnN/nQ : 2014-03-28 02:55 ID:4PFKQySF [Del]

Can't wait for S2!

48 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2014-04-02 01:01 ID:xOulpaWl [Del]

whenever the dude looks at the crescent burger and was like, "this will change the world" I totally lost my shit.

That was fucking hilarious

49 Name: Sakunya S. !/aPzExRzGw : 2014-04-02 09:42 ID:y73Bdfzf [Del]

I haven't been watching this for a while... :P I should

50 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-04-02 10:37 ID:FVP2/LUq [Del]


51 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2014-04-02 14:16 ID:xOulpaWl [Del]

I KNOW! lol. It's awesome I just thought it was really funny how dramatic that shot of a flipping burger was.

Side note: I'm past the halfway point now and holy crap this show got brilliant real fast.

52 Name: waspi : 2014-04-02 14:28 ID:qcBj418S [Del]

i love that anime

53 Name: Larman-Krogeus : 2014-04-08 02:05 ID:xOulpaWl [Del]

Wow so that ending totally wasn't even a thing. At least they're not wasting our time making us guess if they'll ever finish it or not I suppose.

54 Name: Quad !7NEn41RIvg : 2014-04-08 11:38 ID:TgWtykGT [Del]

I'm also so happy that there's a season 2 coming. It was a pretty good anime.

55 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-09-15 14:35 ID:UFo/h5FO [Del]

So in preparation for season 2 I've started to watch the episodes again. I was a little afraid it would be less exiting because I'm normally quite bored when watching things again, but this time I'm hyped even though I know what will happen! :)

56 Name: kihon : 2014-09-15 17:17 ID:EwzXNRGo [Del]

i really can't wait for season 2. it was really good and interesting anime. it become one of my favorite too

57 Name: Pomeranian : 2014-09-15 22:51 ID:XW91uNR3 [Del]

it's a pretty good anime over all. though SAO is also nice both are unique in their own ways. iloveyou shiroe and crusty~ haha bye.

58 Name: ezebius : 2014-09-16 04:44 ID:Ipzeu7JH [Del]

when the anime is over,from where should i start reading the manga

59 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-09-16 12:29 ID:UFo/h5FO [Del]

Why not wait two weeks for season 2 >>58?

60 Name: Yatahaze !E/8OvwUzpY : 2014-09-26 08:42 ID:OzaNLMsr [Del]

the NHK confirmed today that "Database" will remain the OP all throughout season 2.

The only thing I was worried about can now be disregarded.

Go forth, LH. You make us all proud. /o/

61 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-09-26 08:59 ID:W7fB5nx4 [Del]

>>60 Yay!

62 Name: dankmaster420 : 2014-10-05 20:37 ID:oPALLsTh [Del]

Log Horizon 2 seems pretty promising.

63 Name: Hill !DBRA/23qi. : 2014-10-06 05:33 ID:5c2hSgZm [Del]

I really liked episode 1 of season 2, looking forward to what's next!

64 Name: dankmaster420 : 2014-10-06 21:58 ID:oPALLsTh [Del]

I'm wondering how they'll handle the return of the goblin king. It seems like it has been on going, but the boss battle will eventually have to happen. In the mean time, hopefully these financial plans work out for good 'ol Shiro.

65 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-10-30 10:02 ID:RFb7HATO [Del]


66 Name: jill : 2015-10-30 12:49 ID:XNAba+d7 [Del]

What do you think would shiro do to connect the 2 worlds?

67 Name: ETZOR1AYX : 2015-10-31 00:09 ID:Z0WKyQoG [Del]

I don't get how it's possible for Shiroe to connect the two worlds.

68 Name: KNLIU : 2015-10-31 16:25 ID:GDy7UsQn [Del]

everybody says that this is a copy of sword art online

how true is this

69 Name: Neko : 2015-11-01 02:04 ID:8ng4ziEG [Del]

by that logic, SAO is a copy of .Hack

70 Name: Sbarry : 2015-11-01 04:21 ID:1UQcFtBb [Del]

>>68 Why? Just because it's about video games? And no.

71 Name: Wolfxstefan : 2015-11-01 06:13 ID:Y6WOcAYo [Del]

I have watched both and thy are both awesome, totally worth a watch. I like Log Horizon better.
Log Horizon makes you wanna go play a mmorpg

72 Name: jill : 2015-11-02 00:02 ID:XNAba+d7 [Del]

Log Horizon is more logical. SAO is just a standard game with no real explanation what so ever, they just focused on the love story and the MC. I prefer Log Horizon more.

73 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-11-07 07:55 ID:RFb7HATO [Del]


74 Name: suin : 2015-11-07 20:26 ID:13s2Pxrn [Del]

it is an very good and funny anime

75 Name: Scythe : 2015-11-08 13:31 ID:nEkiGWuI [Del]

The Light Novels also hold a lot of detail on the game's mechanics and present smart themes. Their take on politics, economics, and diverse social problems like discrimination, enslavement, etc. make it feel rather fresh compared to most game centered series. Not to mention that in this case a consistent look into the psyche of all in Theldesia (the world where Log Horizon takes place) is demonstrated and how the Catastrophe affects them.

76 Post deleted by user.

77 Name: Kawaii~chan : 2015-11-12 14:26 ID:nOvs2r+9 [Del]

Kawaii~chan LOVED this anime and recommends it to anyone who watches anime.

78 Name: [Administrator] Wise : 2015-11-12 17:09 ID:qr/XUu9y [Del]

Cut and paste Sword Art Online Re-skin, seriously? lol

79 Name: Xelon : 2015-11-12 20:59 ID:btNRyNdi [Del]

One of my all time favourite amines
I love how because the action is sparse it's more enjoyable

80 Name: No5 !.8RE5SY0u6 : 2015-11-12 21:49 ID:zg7zxYAw [Del]

>>78 You should try watching it before judging.

81 Name: Angel : 2015-11-12 23:58 ID:O91lc/RT [Del]

that looks good. ill have to watch it.

82 Post deleted by user.

83 Name: Aradjha : 2015-11-29 07:30 ID:1BA96Vr+ [Del]

Sooo... Season 2 seemed to me like a mixed bag. Again, the 2 major arcs in the beginning were interesting, and again it fizzled in the middle as we follow the low-level players around, and it was just as grating or more than last time, and ended randomly.. That arc had a "status quo" type ending that didn't really flesh it out. The final arc was... I can't remember, something about a radio tower? What was the problem, paralysing bug/end of the world stuff...

It just didn't really do much for me. I thought what would happen is Akihabara would turn into a warzone, since the drones are offline, as a continuation of the midseries plotline. As it is season 2 ended better than Season 1 but still deliberately left threads open for a 3rd season, which isn't forthcoming.

Grrr. It seems Log Horizon does no better than SAO at depicting
epic scale events, which granted is hard to do when heroes can't die. It all ends up seeming like low stakes stuff, but a tremendous improvement over the latter in the characters and story department.

84 Name: MistyCorner : 2015-11-29 14:37 ID:NZPHaLqi [Del]

I have watched it, but only a few episodes. It wasnt really interesting , but I'll give it another chance.

85 Name: Jade dragoon : 2015-11-29 21:21 ID:RlQwkVlq [Del]

Honest opinion of it: the battles are amazing, the side stories should be shorter and the mass food obsession they have takes a bit from the storytelling. But its certainly worth a watch

86 Name: Kaisuke : 2015-12-05 04:06 ID:IRFMMh7E [Del]

I need to watch Season 2 when I can get round to it :P

87 Name: Shiro !FKk4keqK9w : 2015-12-06 15:25 ID:aQ/JR7s6 [Del]


88 Name: Yukina-san : 2015-12-06 18:01 ID:fhNltnvC [Del]


89 Name: Kaisuke : 2016-03-24 12:25 ID:GZufJ7pE [Del]


90 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-11-30 16:51 ID:Z37RP+8W [Del]

S3 is announced!

91 Name: Jaydon.A : 2020-12-11 14:24 ID:kotipbbe [Del]

>>90 So excited!! Airing in 2021s first anime season as well.
I'm excited to see it go up against 3 isekai adaptation's I've read the source material of.
Including Slime s2 Rezero and Spider as well.

92 Name: Firion !ZeMESPtKtE : 2020-12-12 04:07 ID:7NyKXhWG [Del]

Can't wait to see what will happen when they got the multiple servers colliding.

93 Name: zengat !!qhsAsehg : 2020-12-14 17:18 ID:+hdd2HQc [Del]

>>90 Oh shit, motivation to finish Log Horizon. It's been a while.
Nothing like finishing an anime for the new season just to never finish the new season.